ANIMDEFS is ZDoom's Hexen-derived answer to BOOM's ANIMATED and SWITCHES lumps. ANIMDEFS provides additional flexibility, allowing one to not only animate textures with any amount of images at any rate of animation, and not only to make standard Doom-style on/off switch textures, but to combine the two. Switches can be animated like textures, and can even be set to play sounds (which must be defined in SNDINFO) at any given point during the animation. Textures are not necessarily actual textures, but can also be used for HUD graphics. Strife-style animated doors, camera textures and animated particles can also be created with this lump.
ANIMDEFS, like ANIMATED, should be provided in a WAD only once, unlike compiled scripts contained in BEHAVIOR lumps, which are level-specific. An ANIMDEFS lump, when loaded, will apply to all maps played in any given gameplay session, and therefore will apply to all levels within a given WAD.
Although all ANIMDEFS commands allow you to specify textures by lump offset from the base texture it is not recommended to do this. Use real texture names whenever possible as this is more robust and doesn't depend on lump ordering in a WAD. The index method is only maintained for backwards compatibility with Hexen and older ZDoom WADs.
Multiple ANIMDEFS lumps are cumulative: all such lumps will be parsed in the order in which they are loaded.
The followings commands can be used in an ANIMDEFS lump:
Animated graphics
- TEXTURE/FLAT [optional] <name>:
- Starts a new animation definition. TEXTURE defines a wall texture animation, FLAT a flat animation. This is something of a moot point though, since 'flat' and 'texture' are interchangeable in versions of ZDoom from 2.0.48 and up. The only difference is the search order in the case of duplicate names, see namespace for more information.
- If the "optional" keyword is used, no warnings are issued if the needed lumps are not found.
- Both flat and texture support the same commands:
- PIC <number|name> tics <duration> | rand <min max>
- Defines one animation frame. The texture used for it can either be specified as an index (with the base texture being index 1 and each subsequent index the following texture in the list) or as a name. If the frame texture is specified by index it is not necessary to order the indices in any way and you also can use the same index multiple times in the sequence. If the frame texture is specified by name, order in the WAD or TEXTUREx lump is irrelevant. The duration for each frame can either be specified as a constant value or as a range in which the duration is randomly selected. To specify a constant duration, add 'tics <duration>' to the definition. For a random interval, add 'rand <min max>'. min and max define the minimum and maximum values of the frame's duration. Only the base picture of the animation will animate if an animation is defined like this. Unlike most other places in the engine where you can specify tics for duration, the value may be fractional (e.g. 4.3 tics) instead of whole tics. This is because texture animations are controlled by the renderer timer instead of the play timer, which allows them finer accuracy.
- RANGE <name|number> tics <duration> | rand <min max> | Oscillate
- Defines an animation range. <number> or <name> defines the last picture in the animation. This is either specified as a texture name or an offset from the base texture. Note that if you specify a number n, the animation will have n+1 frames. You can use 'tics' and 'rand' as with PIC. Unlike PIC, though, an animation defined like this will animate all frames, much like an animation defined in the ANIMATED lump. If the Oscillate flag is added, when the animation reaches the end, it will animate towards the first frame instead of looping.
- Note: although this does not affect compatibility with mods using Oscillate with RANGE, as of GZDoom 1.9.0, the flag is not part of the command's syntax.
- Normally decals are disallowed on animated textures. With this command you can specifically enable decals for the current texture.
- When the animation reaches the end, it will animate towards the first frame instead of looping. This works for both RANGE and PIC.
- The texture animation is randomized instead of being sequential.
Interface graphics
Despite the "texture" or "flat" name, this function can be used for non-texture graphics, notably Powerup icons. The following graphics are defined in the default ANIMDEFS lump:
One exception is SPFLY0 whose behavior is more complicated (since it can be suspended) and is therefore still hardcoded.
The menu selectors are also defined in ANIMDEFS:
- Doom, Chex Quest, Harmony, Urban Brawl: M_SKULL1
- Heretic, Hexen: M_SLCTR1
- Strife: M_CURS1
- Starts a new switch definition. The full definition looks like this:
switch <game> <base texture> on [activation sequence] tics|rand <duration in tics> off [deactivation sequence] tics|rand <duration in tics>
- <game> (optional)
- A game name like
can be specified.
- <base texture>
- This is the name of the texture the switch is being defined for, for example SW1GRAY (a gray switch with a red button in Doom).
- on
- Defines the graphic/sound used when the switch is activated.
- off (optional)
- Defines the graphic/sound used when the switch is activated. If this is omitted, the switch will return to the base texture and play the game's standard switch sound.
- On and off commands can be followed with:
- pic <name>
- Defines the texture to be displayed for this sequence. The texture is defined by name. There can be multiple pic definitions in each sequence for the switch.
- Beware of using textures making use of the flag NullTexture from the TEXTURES lump as this can cause adverse effects.
- sound <soundname>
- Defines the sound that is played when the switch is pressed/reset. As usual, this uses a logical sound name from SNDINFO and not the name of the sound lump.
- If the sound is not defined, switches/normbutn will be played.
- tics <duration> | rand <min max>
- Defines how long the texture will be displayed before reverting to the base one. If
is used, the texture will stay for 1 second (Verification needed). - Note: the texture will only revert if the special attached to the switch is a repeatable action. If it isn't, the switch will stay activated forever.
- On and off commands can be followed with:
Decals are not disabled on switch sequences, therefore there is no "allowdecals" option for switches. (To disable decals on switches, you need to disable decals on the individual textures used in the switch sequence, using the TEXTURES format to have access to the NoDecals flag.)
These examples are from ANIMDEFS in gzdoom.pk3:
switch doom 1 SW1BRCOM on pic SW2BRCOM tics 0 switch hexen SW51_OFF on sound Switch2 pic SW51_ON tics 0 switch strife GLASS01 on sound world/glassbreak pic GLASS02 tics 0 switch strife DORWS04 on sound switches/bolt pic DORWS05 tics 0 off sound switches/boltback pic DORWS04 tics 0
Warping graphics
- WARP texture|flat <name> [allowdecals]
- WARP texture|flat <name> <speed> [allowdecals]
- Defines a warping effect for flats and textures. This will make the flat (or texture) warp similar to the water in Quake or Q2. This effect can also be used with sprites. As with other animated textures, you can optionally add 'allowdecals' to override the default behavior of not placing decals on animated textures. You can also add an optional float value after the name to control the speed of the warp animation. Warping anything larger than 256x256 in software for OpenGL (i.e. for legacy support only) is too costly so it is intentionally disabled. Shader-based warping does not have this limitation. It also can warp textures of any size but for non-square textures it may not look the same as the software algorithm. Warp and warp2 cannot be used with long texture names.
- WARP2 texture|flat <name> [allowdecals]
- WARP2 texture|flat <name> <speed> [allowdecals]
- Same as WARP, but with nicer water-like effect.
Animated doors
- Starts a definition for an animation sequence that can be used with the Door_Animated line special. Unlike animated textures, the duration of each frame is not defined here; rather, the duration of each frame is given by the speed argument to Door_Animated.
- The following commands are supported:
- OPENSOUND <soundsequence>
- Defines the sound sequence that is being played when the door opens. This sound sequence must be defined in the SNDSEQ lump.
- CLOSESOUND <soundsequence>
- Defines the sound sequence that is being played when the door closes. This sound sequence must be defined in the SNDSEQ lump.
- PIC <number|name>
- Defines one animation frame for this door. The texture used for it can either be specified as an index (with the base texture being index 1 and each subsequent index the following texture in the list) or as a name. If the frame texture is specified by index it is not necessary to order the indices in any way and you also can use the same index multiple times in the sequence. If the frame texture is specified by name, order in the WAD or TEXTUREx lump is irrelevant. The frames inside the sequence must be ordered from fully closed to fully open and the number of frames is not restricted in any way
- Normally decals are disallowed on animated door textures. With this command you can specifically enable decals for the current texture.
Camera textures
- CAMERATEXTURE <texture name> <width> <heigth> [fit <width> <height> [worldpanning]]
- Define a texture that can show a camera view. You have to specify a name and a size. If <texture name> is an existing texture the image will be scaled to fit that texture's size. Optionally, you can also specify the size the image will be scaled to with the FIT keyword. Adding the worldpanning keyword makes camera textures pan in world units instead of texture units.
- Square textures use less memory than non-square textures. However, if you want to use a camera that can see the texture it renders into, you should use a non-square texture. You have to use the SetCameraToTexture ACS command to specify the image this texture shows.
Canvas textures
- CANVASTEXTURE <texture name> <width> <height> [fit <width> <height> [worldpanning]]
- Define a texture that can be drawn to. Takes the same parameters as defining a camera texture, with the same behavior.
- Canvas textures are interfaced with from ZScript through the Canvas object.
Fire textures
- FIRETEXTURE <texture name> tics <duration> [allowdecals]
- Define a fire texture, which will be displayed using the method from The first color defined will be used as the background color to fade to and the last color defined will be the starting color to fade from, in the reverse order defined. The following commands are supported:
- PALETTE <index>
- Defines a color from PLAYPAL by index ranging from 0 to 255. Black palette will be made fully transparent.
- COLOR <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>
- Defines a color with RGBA values ranging from 0 to 255.
- texture <graphic name> NoTrim
- By default, GZDoom trims empty space in images, which may cause issues when rotating sprites or scaling sprites (e.g. the anchor point used by A_OverlayRotate, A_OverlayScale and actor's roll is defined by the image's size, but since the empty space is trimmed, it can be hard to predict its placement). Specifying this disables the trimming for the graphic.
- The graphic name can be both the name of a graphic file, or a TEXTURES definition.
- The texture keyword is necessary regardless of the type of graphic.
Alternatively can be done in TEXTURES.
An animated flat:
flat x_001 pic 1 tics 5 pic 2 tics 5 pic 3 tics 5 pic 4 tics 5
An animated texture that allows decals:
texture x_water1 allowdecals pic x_water1 rand 5 12 pic x_water2 rand 5 12 pic x_water3 rand 5 12 pic x_water4 rand 5 12
A simple toggle switch:
switch SW_1_UP on sound Switch1 pic SW_1_DN tics 0 switch SW_1_DN off sound Switch2 pic SW_1_UP tics 0
A switch that plays an animation when it is toggled, but is filtered to only be active if the game is 'Doom':
switch doom sw1nj15 on sound switches/lever2 pic sw1nj15b tics 8 pic sw1nj15c tics 8 pic sw2nj15 tics 8 off sound switches/lever2 pic sw1nj15c tics 8 pic sw1nj15b tics 8 pic sw1nj15 tics 0
A warped flat (the second variation allows decals to appear):
warp flat qslime2 warp flat qslime2 allowdecals
An animated door texture:
animateddoor DORIRS01 opensound DoorOpenAirlock closesound DoorCloseAirlock pic DORIRS01 pic DORIRS02 pic DORIRS03 pic DORIRS04 pic DORIRS05 pic DORIRS06 pic DORIRS07 pic DORIRS08
A 64x64 camera texture:
cameratexture CAMTEX1 64 64
An 80x50 camera texture that is scaled down from a 100x50 resolution camera:
cameratexture CAMTEX2 100 50 fit 80 50
A 64x64 resolution camera that replaces the STARTAN2 texture. Since fit is not specified, the texture will be fit to the original texture's size (128x128):
cameratexture STARTAN2 64 64
This is the same thing as the previous example, but prevents the texture from scaling by explicitly specifying the fit size:
cameratexture STARTAN2 64 64 fit 64 64
The fire texture defined to fade black-to-white:
FIRETEXTURE BLACKFIRE tics 4 color 255 255 255 255 color 200 200 200 255 color 180 180 180 255 color 150 150 150 255 color 125 125 125 255 color 100 100 100 255 color 75 75 75 255 color 50 50 50 255 color 30 30 30 255 color 15 15 15 255 color 0 0 0 0
The animated flats and textures from Doom:
flat BLOOD1 range BLOOD3 tics 8 flat FWATER1 range FWATER4 tics 8 flat LAVA1 range LAVA4 tics 8 flat NUKAGE1 range NUKAGE3 tics 8 flat SLIME01 range SLIME04 tics 8 flat SLIME05 range SLIME08 tics 8 flat SLIME09 range SLIME12 tics 8 flat SWATER1 range SWATER4 tics 8 texture BFALL1 range BFALL4 tics 8 texture BLODGR1 range BLODGR4 tics 8 allowdecals texture BLODRIP1 range BLODRIP4 tics 8 allowdecals texture DBRAIN1 range DBRAIN4 tics 8 texture FIREBLU1 range FIREBLU2 tics 8 texture FIRELAV3 range FIRELAVA tics 8 texture FIREMAG1 range FIREMAG3 tics 8 texture FIREWALA range FIREWALL tics 8 texture GSTFONT1 range GSTFONT3 tics 8 allowdecals texture ROCKRED1 range ROCKRED3 tics 8 allowdecals texture SFALL1 range SFALL4 tics 8 texture SLADRIP1 range SLADRIP4 tics 8 allowdecals texture WFALL1 range WFALL4 tics 8
The animated flats and textures from Heretic:
flat FLATHUH1 range FLATHUH4 tics 8 flat FLTFLWW1 range FLTFLWW3 tics 9 flat FLTLAVA1 range FLTLAVA4 tics 8 flat FLTSLUD1 range FLTSLUT3 tics 8 flat FLTTELE1 range FLTTELE4 tics 6 flat FLTWAWA1 range FLTWAWA3 tics 8 texture LAVAFL1 range LAVAFL3 tics 6 texture WATRWAL1 range WATRWAL3 tics 4
The animated flats and textures from Strife:
flat F_CONVY1 range F_CONVY2 tics 4 flat F_FAN1 range F_FAN2 tics 4 flat F_HWATR1 range F_HWATR3 tics 4 flat F_PWATR1 range F_PWATR3 tics 11 flat F_RDALN1 range F_RDALN4 tics 4 flat F_SCANR1 range F_SCANR4 tics 4 flat F_SCANR5 range F_SCANR8 tics 4 flat F_TELE1 range F_TELE2 tics 4 flat P_VWATR1 range F_VWATR3 tics 4 // Yes, P_VWATR1, not F_VWATR1. flat F_WATR01 range F_WATR03 tics 8 texture BRKGRY13 range BRKGRY16 tics 10 texture BRNSCN01 range BRNSCN04 tics 10 texture COMP01 range COMP04 tics 4 texture COMP05 range COMP08 tics 6 texture COMP09 range COMP12 tics 11 texture COMP13 range COMP16 tics 12 texture COMP17 range COMP20 tics 12 texture COMP21 range COMP24 tics 12 texture COMP25 range COMP28 tics 12 texture COMP29 range COMP32 tics 12 texture COMP33 range COMP37 tics 12 texture COMP38 range COMP41 tics 12 texture COMP42 range COMP49 tics 10 texture CONCRT09 range CONCRT12 tics 11 texture CONCRT22 range CONCRT25 tics 11 texture FAN01 range FAN02 tics 4 texture FORCE01 range FORCE04 tics 4 texture FORCE05 range FORCE08 tics 4 texture SCAN01 range SCAN04 tics 4 texture SCAN05 range SCAN08 tics 4 texture SWTRMG01 range SWTRMG03 tics 4 texture WALPMP01 range WALPMP02 tics 16 texture WALTEK16 range WALTEK17 tics 8