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A_SetAngle (float angle [, int flags [, int ptr]])
Sets the calling actor's or the pointed to actor's angle to angle. It can be used with the angle DECORATE variable to modify the actor's current angle.
- angle: the actor's new angle, in degrees.
- flags:
- SPF_INTERPOLATE: interpolates the view.
- ptr: The actor to change its angle. This is an actor pointer. Default is AAPTR_DEFAULT, which corresponds to the calling actor.
This zombie spins in circles in his spawn state.
ACTOR SpinningZombieMan:ZombieMan replaces ZombieMan { States { Spawn: POSS ABCD 4 A_SetAngle(15+angle) loop } }
This firing state randomly jumps the view to the left or right using A_SetAngle.
Fire: PISG B 0 A_GunFlash PISG B 0 A_Jump(128, "SpinLeft") PISG B 0 A_SetAngle(angle+((abs(velx)+abs(vely)+abs(velz))/10)) goto SpinDone SpinLeft: PISG B 0 A_SetAngle(angle-((abs(velx)+abs(vely)+abs(velz))/10)) SpinDone: PISG B 0 A_SetPitch(pitch-((abs(velx)+abs(vely)+abs(velz))/6)) PISG B 0 A_PlaySound("Weapons/Pistol") PISG B 3 offset(3, 39) A_FireBullets(1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") PISG C 2 offset(2, 37) PISG D 2 offset(1, 35) PISG D 0 offset(0, 32) Goto Ready