Action specials

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Specials by number

These are all the action specials, arranged by number. They are grouped only for quick scrolling purposes and to break up the monotony of such a long list; there is no common bond within any section below besides the numbers being close together.

Some specials cannot be used in scripts, and some cannot be used on lines or on things.

Quick Jump
By number: [ 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 ]
By name: [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
By category: [ Ceilings | Doors | Exits | Floors | Floors and Ceilings | Lighting | Lines | Platforms and Lifts
| PolyObjects | Renderer | Scripting | Scrollers | Sectors | Stairs | Teleporters | Things ]
# Name Category Script Line Engine restriction
0 No special
1 Polyobj_StartLine PolyObjects No script
2 Polyobj_RotateLeft PolyObjects
3 Polyobj_RotateRight PolyObjects
4 Polyobj_Move PolyObjects
5 Polyobj_ExplicitLine PolyObjects No script
6 Polyobj_MoveTimes8 PolyObjects
7 Polyobj_DoorSwing PolyObjects
8 Polyobj_DoorSlide PolyObjects
9 Line_Horizon Renderer No script
10 Door_Close Doors
11 Door_Open Doors
12 Door_Raise Doors
13 Door_LockedRaise Doors
14 Door_Animated Doors
15 Autosave Scripting
16 Transfer_WallLight Renderer No script
17 Thing_Raise Things
18 StartConversation Scripting
19 Thing_Stop Things
20 Floor_LowerByValue Floors
21 Floor_LowerToLowest Floors
22 Floor_LowerToNearest Floors
23 Floor_RaiseByValue Floors
24 Floor_RaiseToHighest Floors
25 Floor_RaiseToNearest Floors
26 Stairs_BuildDown Stairs
27 Stairs_BuildUp Stairs
28 Floor_RaiseAndCrush Floors
29 Pillar_Build Floors and Ceilings
30 Pillar_Open Floors and Ceilings
31 Stairs_BuildDownSync Stairs
32 Stairs_BuildUpSync Stairs
33 ForceField Lines
34 ClearForceField Lines
35 Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8 Floors
36 Floor_LowerByValueTimes8 Floors
37 Floor_MoveToValue Floors
38 Ceiling_Waggle Ceilings
39 Teleport_ZombieChanger Teleporters
40 Ceiling_LowerByValue Ceilings
41 Ceiling_RaiseByValue Ceilings
42 Ceiling_CrushAndRaise Ceilings
43 Ceiling_LowerAndCrush Ceilings
44 Ceiling_CrushStop Ceilings
45 Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay Ceilings
46 Floor_CrushStop Floors
47 Ceiling_MoveToValue Ceilings
48 Sector_Attach3dMidtex Sectors No script
49 GlassBreak Lines
50 ExtraFloor_LightOnly Renderer No script
51 Sector_SetLink Sectors
52 Scroll_Wall Scrollers
53 Line_SetTextureOffset Renderer No line
54 Sector_ChangeFlags Sectors
55 Line_SetBlocking Lines
56 Line_SetTextureScale Renderer No line
57 Sector_SetPortal Renderer No script
58 Sector_CopyScroller Sectors No script
59 Polyobj_OR_MoveToSpot PolyObjects
60 Plat_PerpetualRaise Platforms and Lifts
61 Plat_Stop Platforms and Lifts
62 Plat_DownWaitUpStay Platforms and Lifts
63 Plat_DownByValue Platforms and Lifts
64 Plat_UpWaitDownStay Platforms and Lifts
65 Plat_UpByValue Platforms and Lifts
66 Floor_LowerInstant Floors
67 Floor_RaiseInstant Floors
68 Floor_MoveToValueTimes8 Floors
69 Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8 Ceilings
70 Teleport Teleporters
71 Teleport_NoFog Teleporters
72 ThrustThing Things
73 DamageThing Things
74 Teleport_NewMap Exits
75 Teleport_EndGame Exits
76 TeleportOther Teleporters
77 TeleportGroup Teleporters
78 TeleportInSector Teleporters
79 Thing_SetConversation Things
80 ACS_Execute Scripting
81 ACS_Suspend Scripting
82 ACS_Terminate Scripting
83 ACS_LockedExecute Scripting
84 ACS_ExecuteWithResult Scripting
85 ACS_LockedExecuteDoor Scripting
86 Polyobj_MoveToSpot PolyObjects
87 Polyobj_Stop PolyObjects
88 Polyobj_MoveTo PolyObjects
89 Polyobj_OR_MoveTo PolyObjects
90 Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft PolyObjects
91 Polyobj_OR_RotateRight PolyObjects
92 Polyobj_OR_Move PolyObjects
93 Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8 PolyObjects
94 Pillar_BuildAndCrush Floors and Ceilings
95 FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue Floors and Ceilings
96 FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue Floors and Ceilings
97 Ceiling_LowerAndCrushDist Ceilings
98 Sector_SetTranslucent Renderer
99 Floor_RaiseAndCrushDoom Floors
100 Scroll_Texture_Left Scrollers No script
101 Scroll_Texture_Right Scrollers No script
102 Scroll_Texture_Up Scrollers No script
103 Scroll_Texture_Down Scrollers No script
104 Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentDist Ceilings
105 Door_WaitRaise Doors
106 Door_WaitClose Doors
107 Line_SetPortalTarget Lines
109 Light_ForceLightning Lighting
110 Light_RaiseByValue Lighting
111 Light_LowerByValue Lighting
112 Light_ChangeToValue Lighting
113 Light_Fade Lighting
114 Light_Glow Lighting
115 Light_Flicker Lighting
116 Light_Strobe Lighting
117 Light_Stop Lighting
118 Plane_Copy Sectors No script
119 Thing_Damage Things
120 Radius_Quake Scripting
121 Line_SetIdentification Lines No script
125 Thing_Move Things
127 Thing_SetSpecial Things
128 ThrustThingZ Things
129 UsePuzzleItem Scripting No script
130 Thing_Activate Things
131 Thing_Deactivate Things
132 Thing_Remove Things
133 Thing_Destroy Things
134 Thing_Projectile Things
135 Thing_Spawn Things
136 Thing_ProjectileGravity Things
137 Thing_SpawnNoFog Things
138 Floor_Waggle Floors
139 Thing_SpawnFacing Things
140 Sector_ChangeSound Sectors
145 Player_SetTeam Scripting SkulltagIcon22.png (Skulltag only: not supported by ZDoom)
152 Team_Score Scripting SkulltagIcon22.png (Skulltag only: not supported by ZDoom)
153 Team_GivePoints Scripting SkulltagIcon22.png (Skulltag only: not supported by ZDoom)
154 Teleport_NoStop Teleporters
156 Line_SetPortal Lines
157 SetGlobalFogParameter Renderer
158 FS_Execute Scripting
159 Sector_SetPlaneReflection Renderer OpenGL.png (OpenGL only: not supported by ZDoom)
160 Sector_Set3dFloor Sectors No script
161 Sector_SetContents Sectors No script
168 Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist Ceilings
169 Generic_Crusher2 Ceilings
170 Sector_SetCeilingScale2 Sectors No line
171 Sector_SetFloorScale2 Sectors No line
172 Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay Platforms and Lifts
173 NoiseAlert Scripting
174 SendToCommunicator Scripting
175 Thing_ProjectileIntercept Things
176 Thing_ChangeTID Things
177 Thing_Hate Things
178 Thing_ProjectileAimed Things
179 ChangeSkill Scripting
180 Thing_SetTranslation Things
181 Plane_Align Sectors No script
182 Line_Mirror Renderer No script
183 Line_AlignCeiling Renderer No line
184 Line_AlignFloor Renderer No line
185 Sector_SetRotation Sectors
186 Sector_SetCeilingPanning Sectors
187 Sector_SetFloorPanning Sectors
188 Sector_SetCeilingScale Sectors
189 Sector_SetFloorScale Sectors
190 Static_Init Sectors No script
191 SetPlayerProperty Scripting
192 Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor Ceilings
193 Ceiling_LowerInstant Ceilings
194 Ceiling_RaiseInstant Ceilings
195 Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA Ceilings
196 Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA Ceilings
197 Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA Ceilings
198 Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8 Ceilings
199 Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8 Ceilings
200 Generic_Floor Floors
201 Generic_Ceiling Ceilings
202 Generic_Door Doors
203 Generic_Lift Platforms and Lifts
204 Generic_Stairs Stairs
205 Generic_Crusher Ceilings
206 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip Platforms and Lifts
207 Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip Platforms and Lifts
208 TranslucentLine Renderer
209 Transfer_Heights Renderer No script
210 Transfer_FloorLight Renderer No script
211 Transfer_CeilingLight Renderer No script
212 Sector_SetColor Sectors
213 Sector_SetFade Sectors
214 Sector_SetDamage Sectors
215 Teleport_Line Teleporters No script
216 Sector_SetGravity Sectors
217 Stairs_BuildUpDoom Stairs
218 Sector_SetWind Sectors
219 Sector_SetFriction Sectors
220 Sector_SetCurrent Sectors
221 Scroll_Texture_Both Scrollers
222 Scroll_Texture_Model Scrollers No script
223 Scroll_Floor Scrollers
224 Scroll_Ceiling Scrollers
225 Scroll_Texture_Offsets Scrollers No script
226 ACS_ExecuteAlways Scripting
227 PointPush_SetForce Sectors No script
228 Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0 Platforms and Lifts
229 Thing_SetGoal Things
230 Plat_UpByValueStayTx Platforms and Lifts
231 Plat_ToggleCeiling Platforms and Lifts
232 Light_StrobeDoom Lighting
233 Light_MinNeighbor Lighting
234 Light_MaxNeighbor Lighting
235 Floor_TransferTrigger Floors
236 Floor_TransferNumeric Floors
237 ChangeCamera Scripting
238 Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling Floors
239 Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy Floors
240 Floor_RaiseByTexture Floors
241 Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy Floors
242 Floor_LowerToHighest Floors
243 Exit_Normal Exits
244 Exit_Secret Exits
245 Elevator_RaiseToNearest Floors and Ceilings
246 Elevator_MoveToFloor Floors and Ceilings
247 Elevator_LowerToNearest Floors and Ceilings
248 HealThing Things
249 Door_CloseWaitOpen Doors
250 Floor_Donut Floors
251 FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise Floors and Ceilings
252 Ceiling_RaiseToNearest Ceilings
253 Ceiling_LowerToLowest Ceilings
254 Ceiling_LowerToFloor Ceilings
255 Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA Ceilings
256 Floor_LowerToHighestEE Floors
257 Floor_RaiseToLowest Floors
258 Floor_LowerToLowestCeiling Floors
259 Floor_RaiseToCeiling Floors
260 Floor_ToCeilingInstant Floors
261 Floor_LowerByTexture Floors
262 Ceiling_RaiseToHighest Ceilings
263 Ceiling_ToHighestInstant Ceilings
264 Ceiling_LowerToNearest Ceilings
265 Ceiling_RaiseToLowest Ceilings
266 Ceiling_RaiseToHighestFloor Ceilings
267 Ceiling_ToFloorInstant Ceilings
268 Ceiling_RaiseByTexture Ceilings
269 Ceiling_LowerByTexture Ceilings
270 Stairs_BuildDownDoom Stairs
271 Stairs_BuildUpDoomSync Stairs
272 Stairs_BuildDownDoomSync Stairs
273 Stairs_BuildUpDoomCrush Stairs
274 Door_AnimatedClose Doors
275 Floor_Stop Floors
276 Ceiling_Stop Ceilings
277 Sector_SetFloorGlow Sectors
278 Sector_SetCeilingGlow Sectors
279 Floor_MoveToValueAndCrush Floors
280 Ceiling_MoveToValueAndCrush Ceilings
281 Line_SetAutomapFlags Lines
282 Line_SetAutomapStyle Lines
283 Polyobj_StopSound PolyObjects
284 Generic_CrusherDist Ceilings