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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

AltHud is a class used by GZDoom to draw its alternative HUD (hud_althud CVAR must be set to true). New alternative HUDs can be created based on this class. The main difference between AltHUD and BaseStatusBar is that AltHUD draws using absolute screen coordinates and doesn't utilize the same scaling as BaseStatusBar. It also doesn't support aspect scaling (the value of the hud_aspectscale CVAR is ignored). AltHUD mainly utilizes the Screen struct functions to perform drawing.

Using this class is not recommended if the author wants to make a HUD that supports scaling.

Note, to see your HUD in the game, it MUST be added via the GameInfo block of the MAPINFO lump as follows:

  StatusBarClass = "MyCustomHUD" //replaces the base HUD
  AltHUDClass = "MyCustomAltHUD" //replaces the alternative HUD

See ZScript HUDs for details.



  • static int GetDigitCount(int value)
  • native static int, int, int GetLatency()


  • void DrawImageToBox(TextureID tex, int x, int y, int w, int h, double trans = 0.75, bool animate = false)
Draws an image into a box with its bottom center at the bottom center of the box. The image is scaled down if it doesn't fit.
  • void DrawHudText(Font fnt, int color, String text, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
Draws a text but uses a fixed width for all characters.
  • void DrawHudNumber(Font fnt, int color, int num, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
Draws a number with a fixed width for all digits
  • void AddAmmoToList(readonly<Weapon> weapdef)
Adds ammo to the list of ammo classes to draw.
  • int, int GetAmmoTextLengths(PlayerInfo CPlayer)
Checks the ammo types carried by the player and returns the longest length of the strings representing the current amount of ammo and the maximum amount of ammo (to make sure the block displaying all ammo fits where it should).
  • void DrawCoordinateEntry(int xpos, int ypos, String coordstr, Font fnt = nullptr)
Utilized by DrawCoordinates


  • virtual void Init()
Called when the HUD is initialized
  • virtual void DrawInGame(PlayerInfo CPlayer)
Contains all the other drawing functions, except DrawAutomap.
  • virtual void DrawAutomap(PlayerInfo CPlayer)
Draws level name and time while the automap is open.
  • virtual void DrawTimeString(Font fnt, int color, int timer, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75)
Draws a time string as hh:mm:ss
virtual void DrawStatus(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draw the status (number of kills, score, secrets, items)
  • virtual void DrawStatLine(int x, in out int y, String prefix, String text)
Utilized by DrawStatus to draw specific lines
  • virtual void DrawHealth(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draws player health
  • virtual void DrawArmor(BasicArmor barmor, HexenArmor harmor, int x, int y)
Draws player armor (supporting Hexen armor)
  • virtual int DrawKeys(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draws collected keys. Uses their Spawn sprites rather than icons.
  • virtual bool DrawOneKey(int xo, int x, int y, in out int c, Key inv)
Utilized by DrawKeys
  • virtual int DrawAmmo(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draws all ammo the player posseses, ordered by weapon slots.
  • virtual void DrawWeapons(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draws possessed weapons.
  • virtual void DrawOneWeapon(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, in out int y, Weapon weapon)
Utilized by DrawWeapons
  • virtual void DrawInventory(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x,int y)
Draws inventory items carried by the player (utilizes DrawImageToBox for drawing)
  • virtual void DrawFrags(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y)
Draws frags in multiplayer
  • virtual void DrawCoordinates(PlayerInfo CPlayer, bool withmapname)
Draws the player's current map coordinates
  • virtual bool DrawTime(int y)
Draws the time on the AltHUD. Different display options are supported based on the hud_showtime CVAR value.
  • virtual void DrawPowerups(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int y)
Draws active powerups.