Note: Wait! Stop! You do not need to copy this actor's code into your project! Here's why:
- This actor is already defined in GZDoom, there's no reason to define it again.
- In fact, trying to define an actor with the same name will cause an error (because it already exists).
- If you want to make your own version of this actor, use inheritance.
- Definitions for existing actors are put on the wiki for reference purpose only.
Hellstaff projectile
Actor type
DoomEd Number
Class Name
Classes: HornRodFX2
The large, rain-creating projectile from the powered-up hellstaff. On a direct impact, D'Sparil has a 37.5% chance of avoiding any damage and attempting teleportation; the damage is avoided even if the attempted teleportation fails. The native action A_AddPlayerRain uses one RainTracker item to keep track of previous rains created by the same player; the item contains two pointers to rains and will terminate the oldest of the two whenever a third is created. The native action A_SkullRodStorm decreases its health by one every time it is called and removes the projectile if its health reaches 0 or if the player who fird it left the game. As long as it is not destroyed, it randomly spawns a RainPillar which deals damage.
ACTOR HornRodFX2 native
Radius 12
Height 8
Speed 22
Damage 10
Health 140
RenderStyle Add
SeeSound "weapons/hornrodpowshoot"
DeathSound "weapons/hornrodpowhit"
action native A_AddPlayerRain();
action native A_HideInCeiling();
action native A_SkullRodStorm();
FX00 C 3 Bright
FX00 D 3 Bright A_SeekerMissile(10, 30)
FX00 E 3 Bright
FX00 F 3 Bright A_SeekerMissile(10, 30)
FX00 H 5 Bright A_AddPlayerRain
FX00 I 5 Bright
FX00 J 4 Bright
FX00 KLM 3 Bright
FX00 G 1 A_HideInCeiling
FX00 G 1 A_SkullRodStorm