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Note: Wait! Stop! Before you copy this actor's definition into your mod, remember the following things:
  1. You do NOT need to copy that actor, since it is already defined.
  2. In fact, it's not just useless, it will cause problems.
  3. If you want to modify it, or use a modified version, using inheritance is the way to go.
  4. The actor definitions here are put on the wiki for reference purpose only. Learn from them, don't copy them.
Actor type Weapon Game MiniStrifeLogoIcon.png (Strife)
DoomEd Number None Class Name Mauler2

Classes: InventoryWeaponStrifeWeaponMaulerMauler2
This is one of the two types of Mauler in the game Strife, it fires a green projectile which, upon hitting an object, be it a wall or an enemy, releases a wave of smaller green projectiles which disintegrate foes upon contact, but beware, using this weapon drains your health. In Strife1.wad, the sprites are actually named BLST* and are renamed at load-time by ZDoom.

DECORATE definition

ACTOR Mauler2 : Mauler
  Weapon.SelectionOrder 3300
  Weapon.AmmoUse1 30
  Weapon.AmmoGive1 0
  Weapon.AmmoType1 "EnergyPod"
  Weapon.SisterWeapon "Mauler"
  Tag "$TAG_MAULER2" // "Mauler"

  action native A_FireMauler2Pre();
  action native A_FireMauler2();

    MAUL IJKL 7 A_WeaponReady
    MAUL I 1 A_Lower
    MAUL I 1 A_Raise
    MAUL I 20 A_FireMauler2Pre
    MAUL J 10 A_Light1
    BLSF A 10 Bright A_FireMauler2 // see MaulerTorpedo
    MAUL B 10 Bright A_Light2
    MAUL C 2
    MAUL D 2 A_Light0
    MAUL E 2 A_ReFire
    Goto Ready