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Note: Wait! Stop! You do not need to copy this actor's code into your project! Here's why:
  1. This actor is already defined in GZDoom, there's no reason to define it again.
  2. In fact, trying to define an actor with the same name will cause an error (because it already exists).
  3. If you want to make your own version of this actor, use inheritance.
  4. Definitions for existing actors are put on the wiki for reference purpose only.
Sector point light
Actor type Dynamic light Game MiniOpenGLLogoIcon.png (OpenGL)
DoomEd Number 9803 Class Name SectorPointLight

Classes: DynamicLightPointLightSectorPointLight
A sector point light takes four arguments:

1: Red value of the light
2: Green value of the light
3: Blue value of the light
4: Scale

The scale is divided by 8 and multiplied by the sector's light level to give the intensity. In this way, a sector point light's radius varies in function of the ambient sector light. This can be used to good effect near flickering ceiling lamps or on windows open to a dark and stormy night.

All dynamic lights can be toggled on and off with Thing_Activate and Thing_Deactivate.

DECORATE definition

ACTOR SectorPointLight : PointLight
  DynamicLight.Type "Sector"