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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

A Thinker class is derived from Object, and is used as the base for an Actor and more. Unlike actors, thinkers are not physically present in the game at all.

Thinkers are generally used to 'run the game' -- movement, shooting, performing functions, etc.

Thinkers do not possess the many properties and functions an actor has, drastically cutting down on the amount of overhead generated from creating an actor. As such, these make excellent candidates for replacing dummy actors used to monitor and modify primary actors.

Thinkers are not actors, so they can't be spawned; instead they're created with the New function.


The engine utilizes stat numbers on thinkers to organize thinkers and whether to call their Tick() functions or not.

Some have special use cases such as the STAT_CORPSEPOINTER, invoked by A_QueueCorpse, which creates a thinker for the calling actor, utilizing internal code to eliminate corpses as the queue when filled.

Because of the aforementioned internal handling, take caution when changing a stat number. The engine may manipulate them at any time and cause issues. Thinkers also can only belong to one stat category at any time.

The safest ranges to use are anywhere under 127, and the unmentioned numbers not defined in the list below (i.e. 99, 98, etc -- so long as they are not defined internally).

NOTE: Not all thinkers will actually use their Tick() virtuals based on their stat numbers (see the comment Thinkers that don't actually think in the ZScript definition below). It's possible to have another thinker manually call the non-ticking thinker's Tick function inside its own.



  • static clearscope int Tics2Seconds(int tics)
Returns the given number of game tics in seconds (as an integer number).


Called after BeginPlay and before the first call to Tick. This is done before the very first state of an actor is ever reached, useful for performing one-time setups like giving local variables a value, without worrying about a monster being dormant at the start and going to Deactivate instead of Spawn.
Called every tic, 35 times a second. As the name implies, this is what makes an entity 'tick', or operate on its own.

ZScript definition

Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub.
class Thinker : Object native play
    enum EStatnums
        // Thinkers that don't actually think
        STAT_INFO,							// An info queue
        STAT_DECAL,							// A decal
        STAT_AUTODECAL,						        // A decal that can be automatically deleted
        STAT_CORPSEPOINTER,						// An entry in Hexen's corpse queue
        STAT_TRAVELLING,						// An actor temporarily travelling to a new map
        STAT_STATIC,							// persistent across maps.

        // Thinkers that do think
        STAT_SCROLLER=STAT_FIRST_THINKING,		                // A DScroller thinker
        STAT_PLAYER,					                // A player actor
        STAT_BOSSTARGET,				                // A boss brain target
        STAT_LIGHTNING,				                        // The lightning thinker
        STAT_DECALTHINKER,				                // An object that thinks for a decal
        STAT_INVENTORY,				                        // An inventory item
        STAT_LIGHT,							// A sector light effect
        STAT_LIGHTTRANSFER,						// A sector light transfer. These must be ticked after the light effects.
        STAT_EARTHQUAKE,						// Earthquake actors
        STAT_MAPMARKER,						        // Map marker actors
        STAT_DLIGHT,							// Dynamic lights

        STAT_USER = 70,
        STAT_USER_MAX = 90,
        STAT_DEFAULT = 100,						// Thinkers go here unless specified otherwise.
        STAT_SECTOREFFECT,						// All sector effects that cause floor and ceiling movement
        STAT_ACTORMOVER,						// actor movers
        STAT_SCRIPTS,							// The ACS thinker. This is to ensure that it can't tick before all actors called PostBeginPlay
        STAT_BOT,							// Bot thinker
        STAT_SPRITE,							// ZSprite Thinker [See footnote 1 below]
        MAX_STATNUM = 127

    const TICRATE = 35;

    native LevelLocals Level;

    virtual native void Tick();
    virtual native void PostBeginPlay();
    native void ChangeStatNum(int stat);

    static clearscope int Tics2Seconds(int tics)
        return int(tics / TICRATE);
  • [1]: Mutually exclusive to ZSprite-derived classes. ChangeStatNum will not work for STAT_SPRITE.


This is an example of a Thinker that can be attached to a killed monster to make them fade out gradually. The Thinker is created with New:

class CorpseFader : Thinker
	Actor victim; //pointer to monster

	// This is the create method, with an argument
	// to pass a pointer to the monster:
	static CorpseFader Create(Actor victim)
		// Create and null-check the thinker:
		let c = New('CorpseFader');
		if (c)
			// Pass the victim pointer to the thinker:
			c.victim = victim;
		// Always return a pointer to the created object:
		return c;

	override void Tick()
		// If the victim no longer exists, destroy this thinker:
		if (!victim)
		// If the victim is alive, do nothing:
		if ( > 0)
		// Otherwise fade it out gradually:

// Example implementation:
class CorpseHandler : EventHandler
	override void WorldThingDied(worldEvent e)
		if (e.thing && e.thing.bIsMonster)

This Thinker is designed to track the velocity of the actor it's attached to over the past 10 tics, using a local array. It's also instantiated with New:

class OldVelCache : Thinker
	Actor toTrack;
	protected vector3 velData[10];

	// This creates the thinker and attaches it to an actor:
	static OldVelCache Create(Actor whoToTrack)
		if (!whoToTrack)
			return null;
		let a = New('OldVelCache');
		if (a)
			a.toTrack = whoToTrack;
		return a;

	// This is a dedicated function that returns the velocity from
	// the specified tic:
	vector3 GetOldVel(uint ticsAgo = 1)
		// If the value is too large (beyond the 10 tics we're 
		// tracking), it returns velocity from the the oldest
		// (10th) tic:
		ticsAgo = min(ticsAgo, veldata.Size() - 1);
		int p = veldata.Size() - 1 - ticsAgo;
		return veldata[p];

	override void Tick()
		if (!toTrack)
		int size = veldata.Size();
		for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
			int newer = i+1;
			if (newer >= size)
			veldata[i] = veldata[newer];
		veldata[size-1] = toTrack.vel;

// Example of how it can be attached to a player pawn actor using an {{class|EventHandler}}:
class OldVelHandler : EventHandler
	override void PlayerSpawned(playerEvent e)
		PlayerInfo player = players[e.PlayerNumber];
		if (!player)
		let pmo =;
		// Check this isn't a voodoo doll:
		if (!pmo.player || ! || != pmo)

To read the values, you will need to obtain a pointer to the instance of OldVelCache and call GetOldVel(<tics>) on it, where <tics> is how many tics ago you want to get the velocity from.

Note: Remember that event handlers must be added via the GameInfo block in MAPINFO, using the AddEventHandlers instruction.

See also