virtual int DoSpecialDamage (Actor victim, int damage, Name damagetype)
Called by projectiles whenever they're about to deal damage to an actor and by hitscan puffs when the hitscan attack hits an actor (but not level geometry). Can be overridden to modify the damage the projectile/hitscan attack would deal, or add other custom behavior that should be executed when the projectile/hitscan hits its victim.
Note, if there's a need to modify the projectile's collision rules, using SpecialMissileHit provides more flexibility.
Hitscan note: the function will be executed even if the puff does not have the PUFFONACTORS flag and is replaced with a blood actor, so you can still utilize this function to modify the behavior.
- Actor victim
- The actor about to be hit by the projectile.
- int damage
- The amount of damage to deal. If this value is returned directly (
return damage
) without being modified first, the projectile's damage will remain unmodified.
- Name damagetype
- The damage type applied to the attack. Regular attacks use 'Normal', hitscan attacks use 'Hitscan'.
Strife's LoreShot uses this virtual to pull the victim towards the shooter:
override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor victim, int damage, Name damagetype)
if (victim != NULL && target != NULL && !victim.bDontThrust)
Vector3 thrust = victim.Vec3To(target);
victim.Vel += thrust.Unit() * (255. * 50 / max(victim.Mass, 1));
return damage;
(The full code can be seen on the LoreShot page.)
This example shows how DoSpecialDamage can be used in a puff to modify a hitscan weapon damage based on distance:
class BulletPuffDist : BulletPuff
+PUFFGETSOWNER // the shooter will be the puff's target
override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor victim, int damage, Name damagetype)
if (target && victim)
// Get distance between shooter and victim,
// clamp it to a 128-2048 range and normalize
// that range to a 0.0-1.0 inverted:
double dist = clamp(target.Distance3D(victim), 128, 2048);
double fac = 1.0 - (dist - 128) / (2048 - 128);
// Multiply damage by that value but clamp it so it
// doesn't go below 1:
return int(round( clamp(damage * fac, 1, damage) ));
return damage;
class PistolDist : Pistol
States {
A_FireBullets (5.6, 0, 1, 15, "BulletPuffDist", FBF_NORANDOM); //base damage is 15 without randomization
A_StartSound("weapons/pistol", CHAN_WEAPON);
PISG B 5 A_ReFire;
Goto Ready;