Isometric Mode
(New from 4.13.0) (hardware renderer only)
Assumed knowledge
It is assumed that before you begin this tutorial, you are familiar with the following concepts:
- Sprite
- Spawn
- PlayerInfo
- PlayerPawn
- Actor virtual functions
- ViewPosition
- SpectatorCamera
- r_radarclipper
- r_dithertransparency
- NoFogOfWar
- Events and handlers
Understanding these concepts is vital to understanding the following tutorial.
These experimental features add the ability to view the level from out of bounds and switch the projection matrix from perspective to orthographic (meaning projected size will not scale with distance). This enables the engine to be used for a wider range of gaming genres such as isometric crawlers, top-down RPGs, turn-based strategy games, or side-scrolling beat 'em ups.
A few caveats being that skies and portals are not rendered in orthographic mode. Reflections from flats (floors, ceilings) will not work either. Shaders can be used instead for background landscape views and reflections in liquid surfaces, etc.
Isometric Sprites
This section is optional, and the mode will function and look reasonable with traditionally drawn sprites at small to medium viewing-pitch angles. However, when employing orthographic projection with a significant non-zero pitch, say for isometric or dimetric viewpoints, sprites will normally reveal their 2D nature. Replacement sprites can be drawn as viewed from a specific pitch, but an actor flag like FORCEYBILLBOARD would have to be set to force the sprite to face the camera. This can cause bad overlaps and clipping when close to level geometry or other actor sprites/models, especially for tall sprites.
It is recommended to use the ISOMETRICSPRITES flag instead. The working principle is simple. The engine accepts two integer values as "x" and "y" pixel offsets for every sprite. These are typically read in through definitions in the TEXTURES lump, or the GrAb chunk of the png files of the sprite graphic. They can also be set during runtime via functions like A_SpriteOffset. The engine's renderer displaces the sprite along the z-axis in world space by the number of pixels specified by the "y" offset value. However, under orthographic projection, modulo draw-order and overlaps, a vertical offset for any graphic on screen is equivalent to a displacement along the xy-plane in world space. We can therefore exploit the "y" offset value to fake an xy-displacement.
The first step is to draw all the sprites with the intended square floor-tile base for reference. This is purely a visual-alignment aid and must be removed later. The side length of the square should ideally match twice the collision "radius" of the actor in game (all actor collision boxes are cuboids with square bases that are locked in global xy-orientation). Then use one the diagonal-facing sprite to set the maximum "y" offset required to avoid any part of the square base from being clipped into the floor. Then use some other geometric reference in the image to determine the "y" offset for all other sprite angles. Then remove the reference square base in all the sprite images. And finally, set the ISOMETRICSPRITES flag in the actor's default block. See the image to the right for an illustrated example.
The ISOMETRICSPRITES flag will cause the engine to do a combination of sprite rotation and y-scaling to ensure that the image roughly approximates the perspective it was drawn from without egregiously clipping through surrounding level geometry. The overlaps work well between colliding actors who both have this flag set. It even sorts correctly for actors stacked on top of each other. One caveat is that while the sprite is being displaced towards the camera to compensate for the "y" offset, it is still being drawn a bit above the floor in world space. This can show up in certain contexts, such as the actor effectively walking over shallow water instead of dipping their feet in it. If this solution is unacceptable, use of 3D models or voxels can resolve all such issues.
With our player sprites ready, we can create our own PlayerPawn. Define some helper variables:
- int face_cam_mult
- Keeps track of whether the playerpawn is facing the camera. Used to modify how movement keys map to in-world directions.
- int ppawn_camflags
- The ViewPosition flags that the camera actor will be initiated with. This were we let the engine know that this camera's ViewPos will be allowed out of bounds and the projection will be orthographic.
- double ppawn_isoyaw
- The angle from which the camera viewpoint will look at the player. Will be converted to a property for access from the HUD overlay EventHandler functions.
- double ppawn_isodist
- The distance from which the camera viewpoint will look at the player. Will be converted to a property for access from the HUD overlay EventHandler functions.
- double ppawn_isopitch
- The pitch from which the camera viewpoint will look at the player. Will be converted to a property for access from the HUD overlay EventHandler functions.
- double ppawn_isocamera
- A pointer to the isometric camera that will be spawned. Will be converted to a property for access from some EventHandler functions.
Then define their initial values in the Default block.
Spawn an in-engine defined SpectatorCamera and set it to be the player's viewpoint camera in the PostBeginPlay virtual function. Alternatively, feel free to define your own camera actor with more sophisticated player-follow behavior.
In the Tick virtual function, update the face_cam_mult value based on the player's current angle.
In the MovePlayer virtual function, we can modify how the movement input affects the actual movement of the player.
class MyStandaloneGamePlayer : PlayerPawn
int face_cam_mult, ppawn_camflags;
double ppawn_isoyaw, ppawn_isodist, ppawn_isopitch;
Actor ppawn_isocamera;
property ppawn_isoyaw : ppawn_isoyaw;
property ppawn_isodist : ppawn_isodist;
property ppawn_isopitch : ppawn_isopitch;
property ppawn_isocamera : ppawn_isocamera;
Speed 1;
Radius 20;
Height 80;
Player.DisplayName "BaldGuy";
Player.ViewHeight 60;
Player.ViewBob 0;
Player.FlyBob 0;
MyStandaloneGamePlayer.ppawn_isoyaw 225;
MyStandaloneGamePlayer.ppawn_isodist 300;
MyStandaloneGamePlayer.ppawn_isopitch 30;
override void PostBeginPlay()
face_cam_mult = 1;
if( == // Setup isometric camera
{ = SpectatorCamera(Actor.Spawn("SpectatorCamera", pos)); = player; // Necessary for pain and pickup screen flashes. Adds viewbob too.
ppawn_isocamera =; // Store pointer, in case you lose it =; // Do you want the camera to follow any actor? Set it as tracer here. = player; // Necessary for pain and pickup screen flashes. Adds viewbob too.
SpectatorCamera(, ppawn_isoyaw, ppawn_isopitch, ppawn_camflags);
override void Tick()
int diffangle = deltaangle(angle, ppawn_isoyaw);
if (abs(diffangle) > 90) face_cam_mult = -1;
else face_cam_mult = 1;
// Make movement less slippery
if((Pos.Z == FloorZ) || bONMOBJ){
if((FindState('Pain') == NULL) || (CurState != FindState('Pain'))) {
Vel.X *= 0.5; Vel.Y *= 0.5;
override void MovePlayer ()
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
let player = self.player;
A_SetPitch(0); // Cancel pitch modification here
if(cmd.sidemove) cmd.sidemove *= face_cam_mult;
cmd.yaw -= GetPlayerInput(INPUT_YAW); // Cancel default mouse-turn first
if(diffangle > 45 && diffangle < 135) cmd.yaw += 3*GetPlayerInput(INPUT_PITCH);
else if(diffangle > -135 && diffangle < -45) cmd.yaw -= 3*GetPlayerInput(INPUT_PITCH);
if(abs(diffangle) < 80 || abs(diffangle) > 100) cmd.yaw += face_cam_mult*GetPlayerInput(INPUT_YAW);
PLAY A -1;
PLAY A 12;
Goto Spawn;
Goto Missile;
PLAY A 4 A_Pain();
Goto Spawn;
PLAY A 0 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath");
PLAY A 10;
PLAY A 10 A_PlayerScream();
PLAY A 10 A_NoBlocking();
PLAY A -1;
PLAY A 0 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinXDeath");
PLAY A 5 A_XScream();
PLAY A 5 A_NoBlocking();
PLAY A -1;
PLAY A 6 A_PlayerScream();
PLAY A 6 A_NoBlocking();
PLAY A -1;
PLAY A 5 A_PlayerScream();
PLAY A 0 A_NoBlocking();
PLAY A 5 A_SkullPop();
PLAY A -1;
You are free to define your own custom StateLabels.
HUD overlay
Isometric games typically require a visual indicator other than the player sprite/model to indicate where they are facing. In this tutorial, we take the approach of drawing a tiny cursor on screen (assumed image is stored at sprites/dir_hair.png) some distance in front of the player. Translating world locations to screen-space coordinates is trivial in orthographic projection.
class MyStandaloneGameHUD : BaseStatusBar
MyStandaloneGamePlayer pmo;
double isoyaw, playeryaw, diffangle;
int cosine, sine, cursordist;
override void Init(void)
SetSize(0, 320, 200);
cursordist = 75;
cosine = 0; sine = 0;
override void Draw(int state, double TicFrac)
if (CPlayer &&
pmo = MyStandaloneGamePlayer(;
BaseStatusBar.Draw(state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar || state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(forcescaled: true);
DrawCursor(sine, cosine);
override void Tick()
if (CPlayer && {
isoyaw = MyStandaloneGamePlayer(;
playeryaw =;
diffangle = pmo.deltaangle(playeryaw, isoyaw);
cosine = (int)(-0.5*cursordist*Cos(diffangle));
sine = (int)(cursordist*Sin(diffangle));
if( != NULL && != NULL)
{ // If using orthographic projection
Vector3 playerdisp = -;
diffangle = pmo.deltaangle(playerdisp.Angle(), isoyaw);
// Translate game/map (x, y, z) position into screen (x, y) location
double xproj = 320/players[consoleplayer].camera.ViewPos.offset.length();
double yproj = Sin(*xproj;
double zproj = Cos(*xproj;
cosine -= (int)(playerdisp.xy.length()*Cos(diffangle)*yproj);
cosine -= (int)(playerdisp.z*zproj);
sine += (int)(playerdisp.xy.length()*Sin(diffangle)*xproj);
void DrawCursor(int xpos, int ypos)
DrawImage("sprites/dir_hair.png", (xpos, ypos), DI_SCREEN_CENTER|DI_ITEM_CENTER, scale: (0.5, 0.5));
Events and handlers
We will need a StaticEventHandler to destroy the camera actor in the event that a player abruptly disconnects from a multiplayer session. Furthermore, the camera's ViewPos properties will need to be reinitialized when a saved game is loaded.
class CameraHandler : StaticEventHandler
override void PlayerDisconnected (PlayerEvent e)
// This is needed if a player disconnects from a multiplayer session
if(players[e.PlayerNumber].camera) players[e.PlayerNumber].camera.destroy();
override void WorldLoaded (WorldEvent e)
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (PlayerInGame[i] && players[i].mo)
if (MyStandaloneGamePlayer(players[i].mo).ppawn_isocamera)
MyStandaloneGamePlayer pmo = MyStandaloneGamePlayer(players[i].mo);
players[i].camera = MyStandaloneGamePlayer(players[i].mo).ppawn_isocamera;
SpectatorCamera(players[i].camera).Init(pmo.ppawn_isodist, pmo.ppawn_isoyaw, pmo.ppawn_isopitch, pmo.ppawn_camflags);
Create a second EventHandler that checks if the players camera has been reset to the PlayerPawn (which can happen after some script in the map teporarily captures the viewpoint to show in in-game cinematic) and restore our isometric camera from its stored location in ppawn_isocamera.
class CameraRestorer : EventHandler
override void WorldTick()
if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) return;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (PlayerInGame[i] && players[i].mo)
if ((!players[i].camera || (players[i].camera == players[i].mo)) && MyStandaloneGamePlayer(players[i].mo).ppawn_isocamera)
// was reset for some reason
// Retreive from storage
players[i].camera = MyStandaloneGamePlayer(players[i].mo).ppawn_isocamera;
In the MAPINFO lump, we can add our new PlayerPawn, HUD class, and event handler into the GameInfo block.
PlayerClasses = "MyStandaloneGamePlayer"
StatusbarClass = "MyStandaloneGameHUD"
AddEventHandlers = "CameraHandler", "CameraRestorer"
In the MENUDEF lump, we can add controls for two in-engine CVars:
- Gives a limited (up-to-subsectors) amount of fog of war. This can be suspended on a per-map basis by setting a NoFogOfWar in the MAPINFO lump.
- Tries to make obscuring level geometry partially transparent for the player and enemies within view.
AddOptionMenu "OptionsMenuSimple"
SubMenu "Isometric Mode Options", "IsoModOptions"
AddOptionMenu "OptionsMenu"
SubMenu "Isometric Mode Options", "IsoModOptions"
OptionMenu "IsoModOptions"
Title "Isometric Mode Options (Hardware Renderers only)"
Option "Isometric Fog of War", "r_radarclipper", "OnOff"
Option "Visibility Through Level Geometry", "r_dithertransparency", "OnOff"
Isometric mode is not restricted to a pitch of 30 degrees. Smaller or larger pitch angles can give rise to interesting viewpoints and effects. Orthographic mode works with most other graphical addons and enhancements present in the engine. A little bit of work on the UI and overlay code is required to get the game mode controlling and communicating information to the player. The camera could also be assigned to any pre-defined PlayerPawn from an Event handler, which makes an isometric mode mod applicable to other existing mods and games.