clearscope void A_PlaySound [(sound whattoplay [, int slot [, double volume [, bool looping [, double attenuation [, bool local [, double pitch]]]]]])]
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Warning: The feature described on this page has been deprecated, and will no longer be supported or updated by the GZDoom developers. While some functionality may be retained for the purposes of backwards-compatibility, authors are strongly discouraged from utilizing this feature in future projects and to instead use A_StartSound. Compatibility with future GZDoom versions is not guaranteed. |
Plays the specified sound.
- whattoplay: the desired sound to play. Default is "weapons/pistol".
- slot: defines the sound slot used for the sound, can be combined with slot flags.
- volume: the volume of the sound. Default is 1.0.
- looping: if true, the sounds loops. Looping sounds can be stopped by using A_StopSound or playing another sound on the same channel. Default is false.
- attenuation: this is a positive value that specifies how quickly the sound fades with distance from its source. The higher the value the quicker it fades out. The numbers are fairly low. You will notice dramatic drop off of volume with an attenuation value of just 3 or 4 and by the time you use a value of 20 you need to be within around 64 units of the sound source to hear it clearly. The following predefined constants exist:
- ATTN_NONE — Plays the sound globally at the specified volume, disregarding distance.
- ATTN_NORM — Uses the close_dist and clipping_dist fields defined in the sound definition. This is the default.
- ATTN_IDLE — Uses DOOM's normal default sound attenuation behavior.
- ATTN_STATIC — Fades quickly (inaudible from 512 units).
- For example, if you want to have a sound play at the specified volume regardless of distance (anywhere on the map), use ATTN_NONE.
- local: If true, the sound is played if the player is either looking out the calling actor's eyes, or the calling actor is the player and the player is looking out the eyes of a non-monster actor. Also, the sound is played with ATTN_NONE. Default is false.
- pitch: the sound pitch to play the sound with. Default is 0, which means the engine will use whatever pitch shift (range) is defined in SNDINFO, if any. Standard pitch is 1.0 - lower values will slow down the sound, and higher will speed it up.
Sound slots
A_PlaySound supports playing sounds on eight sound channels (while A_StartSound supports more than that), indexed from 0 to 7. Playing a sound on a channel overrides any sound playing on the same channel, except for 0 (aka CHAN_AUTO), which first searches for a free channel, starting from 7 and decreasing until a free channel is found. If none of the channels are free, the sound is played on slot 0, overriding any sound playing there. The following constants can be used for sound slots:
- CHAN_AUTO (0) — Explicitly plays the sound with the CHANF_OVERLAP flag enabled (even if it's not passed). This means that all sounds passed to this channel will play over each other, never interrupting one another. Before GZDoom 4.4.0 CHAN_AUTO used to pick the first unoccupied channel, but this behavior was dropped when the ability to play multiple sounds on the same channel was added.
- CHAN_BODY (4) — The default for A_StartSound/A_PlaySound, for historical reasons.
- CHAN_5 (5)
- CHAN_6 (6)
- CHAN_7 (7)
These constants can also be represented as numbers, such as: A_PlaySound("sound/name", 5). The slot parameter can be further combined (using the | operator) with the following modifier flags:
- CHAN_LISTENERZ (8) — Sound is played from the listener's Z-height. (Verification needed)
- CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL (16) — Sound is subject to compat_silentpickup and will not play if the sound is made by an actor other than the local player's camera when compatibility flag is enabled.
- CHAN_UI (32) — Sound is considered an interface sound and is not recorded into savegames.
- CHAN_NOPAUSE (64) — Sound is not paused by menus and will play through time-stopping powerup effects.
- CHAN_LOOP (256) — Sound loops.
- CHAN_NOSTOP (4096) — Do not override the sound that is currently playing on the same channel with this one. This is only the case if both sounds are the same. If they are different, the playing sound is overridden regardless.
Note: flag 128 is CHAN_AREA, which is specific to sector sounds and cannot be used with A_PlaySound. |
... States { Spawn: BLAH A 5 NoDelay A_PlaySound("play/sound") BLAH BCD 6 BLAH E -1 Stop ... }