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Lines are what make up sectors within a map. They're defined by two vertices and are made up of three parts: a bottom, a middle, and a top. Lines that have no back sector are set to be one-sided, making them impassable by default with only their middle part being usable. The bottom and top come into play when there are floor and ceiling height differences between two sectors. With 3D floors the middle part is the only one that can be used and represents the outside texture of the floor's walls. Textures can be applied to the middle of two-sided lines, but it will not tile vertically to fill the entire space like one-sided lines do. This can be used to create effects like glass or fences since they can have transparency. If a line is two-sided then it will hold a pointer to both its front and back sector, otherwise only having a front sector. There are multiple ways to access lines. Sides have a linedef variable which will point to their line. Sectors have an array, lines, which contains all of their lines. Level also has a Lines array which contains every line in the map.


  • readonly Vertex v1
The first vertex that makes up the line. This one is always to the right of the line relative to its facing direction.
  • readonly Vertex v2
The second vertex that makes up the line. This one is always to the left of the line relative to its facing direction.
  • readonly Vector2 delta
A vector that points from v1 to v2 with the length of the line.
  • uint flags
Flags for the line:
  • Line.ML_BLOCKING - Line is set to block anything that isn't a hitscan attack or projectile.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKMONSTERS - Line is set to block monster movement.
  • Line.ML_TWOSIDED - Line has both a front and back sector.
  • Line.ML_DONTPEGTOP - Draw the top part of the line from top to bottom instead of the other way around.
  • Line.ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM - Draw the bottom and (if two-sided) middle parts of the line from bottom to top instead of the other way around.
  • Line.ML_SECRET - Draw the line in the automap as though it were one-sided.
  • Line.ML_SOUNDBLOCK - If two lines with this flag form a barrier between sectors, sound is blocked from traversing through it.
  • Line.ML_DONTDRAW - Don't draw the line on the automap at all.
  • Line.ML_MAPPED - Set if the line has already been drawn in the automap.
  • Line.ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL - Allow the special on this line to be activated multiple times.
  • Line.ML_ADDTRANS - This line is set to use additive translucency.
  • Line.ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE - Monsters can activate this line similar to a player.
  • Line.ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS - Line is set to block player movement.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING - Line is set to block anything that tries to move past it.
  • Line.ML_ZONEBOUNDARY - Line acts as a barrier for reverbs.
  • Line.ML_RAILING - Line acts like a 32-unit high rail.
  • Line.ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS - Line is set to block anything with the FLOAT flag.
  • Line.ML_CLIP_MIDTEX - If two-sided, the texture in the line's middle part is set to never render below the floor or above the ceiling.
  • Line.ML_WRAP_MIDTEX - The middle part's texture is set to fill the entire space vertically if the line is two-sided.
  • Line.ML_3DMIDTEX - If two-sided, the middle part's texture acts like a 3D floor.
  • Line.ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE - Check the vertical range of the activator when trying to use this line.
  • Line.ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY - This line can only be activated when done from the front side.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKPROJECTILE - Line is set to block projectiles.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKUSE - Line is set to block the use action.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKSIGHT - Line is set to block any sight checks.
  • Line.ML_BLOCKHITSCAN - Line is set to block hitscan attacks.
  • Line.ML_3DMIDTEX_IMPASS - If set to use a 3D mid texture, treat the line similar to Line.ML_BLOCKING and allow projectiles and hitscan attacks to go through it.
  • uint flags2
Additional flags for the line:
    • Line.ML2_BLOCKLANDMONSTERS - Line is set to block anything without the FLOAT flag.
  • uint activation
The type of trigger needed to activate this line. This is a bit field, so it can contain multiple values. (See bitwise operators for how to check values of bit fields.)
  • SPAC_Cross: Activate when crossed by a player.
  • SPAC_Use: Activate when used by a player.
  • SPAC_MCross: Activate when crossed by a monster.
  • SPAC_Impact: Activate when hit by a projectile.
  • SPAC_Push: Activate when pushed by a player.
  • SPAC_PCross: Activate when crossed by a projectile.
  • SPAC_UseThrough: (Need more info)
  • SPAC_AnyCross: Activate when crossed by any actor without NOTELEPORT. This normally applies to projectiles.
  • SPAC_MUse: Activate when used by a monster.
  • SPAC_MPush: Activate when pushed by a monster.
  • SPAC_UseBack: Activate when used from behind.
  • SPAC_Damage: Activate when the line is damaged.
  • SPAC_Death: Activate when the line is killed.
  • SPAC_Walking: If it's a SPAC_Cross or SPAC_MCross line, then it will only activate if the actor triggering it is on the floor. (New from 4.13.0)
  • SPAC_PlayerActivate: All of the activation types for players using lines. Implies SPAC_Cross, SPAC_Use, SPAC_Impact, SPAC_Push, SPAC_AnyCross, SPAC_UseThrough, and SPAC_UseBack. GZDoom only uses this for the automap code internally.
  • int special
The special to trigger when activated.
  • int args[5]
An array containing up to 5 arguments for the special that activates.
  • double alpha
The transparency of the line.
  • readonly Side sidedef[2]
An array containing the front Side and, if two-sided, back Side.
    • Line.front - Index for the front Side.
    • Line.back - Index for the back Side.
  • readonly double bbox[4] - Bounding box that encapsulates the entire line.
    • 0 - The maximum y coordinate of the box
    • 1 - The minimum y coordinate of the box
    • 2 - The minimum x coordinate of the box
    • 3 - The maximum x coordinate of the box
  • readonly Sector frontsector
The sector on the front side of the line.
  • readonly Sector backsector
The sector on the back side of the line if two-sided.
  • int validcount
Used to keep track of whether or not the line has already been visited across various functions.
  • int locknumber
What lock number is needed for the line to activate.
  • readonly uint portalindex
The index for the line's portal in level's LinePortals array (currently inaccessible).
  • readonly uint portaltransferred
The index for the sector portal that the line's portal was transferred to in level's SectorPortals array.
  • readonly int health
How much health the line currently has.
  • readonly int healthgroup
The id of the geometry the line is linked to when it takes damage.



  • bool isLinePortal()
Returns true if the linedef is a traversable portal. False otherwise.
  • bool isVisualPortal()
Returns true if the linedef is a purely visual portal. False otherwise.
  • Line getPortalDestination()
If the line is a portal linked to another line, this will return a pointer to the destination line. Returns null otherwise.
  • int getPortalFlags()
Returns the portals' flags. If the line is not a portal, it returns 0 instead.
  • int getPortalAlignment()
Returns what sector plane the portal is aligned too. If the line is not a visual or simple teleport portal, it returns 0 instead.
  • int getPortalType()
Returns what type of portal the linedef is. If any.
  • Vector2 getPortalDisplacement()
Returns the displacement of the linedefs' portal. Returns (0,0) if the line is not a static/linked portal.
  • double getPortalAngleDiff()
Returns the angle difference between the lines' portal and the destination line portal. Returns 0 if there is no portal or it's a static/linked portal.
  • int Index()
Returns the lines' index number.
  • bool Activate(Actor activator, int side, int type)
  • bool RemoteActivate(Actor activator, int side, int type, Vector3 pos)
  • int GetUDMFInt(Name nm)
Returns the integer value of the specified UDMF key (e.g user_customvalue).
  • double GetUDMFFloat(Name nm)
Returns the float value of the specified UDMF key (e.g user_customvalue).
  • string GetUDMFString(Name nm)
Returns the string value of the specified UDMF key (e.g user_linedefname).
  • int GetHealth()
Returns the lines' health. Or if it's in a health group, the groups' health.
  • void SetHealth (int newhealth)
Sets the lines' health, or if it's in a health group, the groups' health.
  • int CountIDs()
Returns the total number of tags attached to the line.
  • void GetID(int index)
Returns the tag of the linedef at the specified position. Example:
// myline is a line pointer, desiredLineID is the ID you're looking for:
int id;
for (int i = 0; (id = myline.GetID(i)) != 0; i++)
    if (id == desiredLineID)