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130:Thing_Activate (tid)

  • tid: Thing ID of the thing to activate. 0 refers to the activator of the script.

Activates an actor. In the case of a monster, removes the DORMANT flag from a monster so that it will be able to take damage and attack the player. Also, makes the actor call its Activate virtual function (which does nothing by default, unless overridden to add custom behavior). This function does not interact with the Activation property. Details can be found on the Activation page.

For a monster, which looks away from the player upon activation, there are two distinct reactions:

1.A monster, which has not heard gunfire or the player has not crossed the monster's line of sight before activation, will not immediately attack the player but remains as if still dormant. It will attack, however, as soon as it hears gunfire or the player crosses the monster's line of sight.

2. A monster, which has heard gunfire or the player has crossed the monster's line of sight before activation, will attack the player immediately upon activation.

See the example map below.


This script could be used to start a moving camera with a TID of 15.

script 13 ENTER

See also

External links