Weapon properties

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  • Weapon.AmmoGive amount
  • Weapon.AmmoGive1 amount
The amount of primary ammo you receive from this weapon.
  • Weapon.AmmoGive2 amount
The amount of secondary ammo you get from picking up the weapon.
  • Weapon.AmmoType type
  • Weapon.AmmoType1 type
The type of primary ammo the weapon uses. This must be a valid ammo type.
  • Weapon.AmmoType2 type
The type of secondary ammo the weapon uses.
  • Weapon.AmmoUse amount
  • Weapon.AmmoUse1 amount
The amount of primary ammo the weapon uses per shot.
  • Weapon.AmmoUse2 amount
The amount of the secondary ammo that the weapon uses per shot. Normally secondary ammo is used by the secondary attack but if the WEAPON.PRIMARY_USES_BOTH flag is set the primary attack will use both types of ammo for each attack.
  • Weapon.MinSelectionAmmo1 amount
A weapon with this property will not be auto-switched to if the available amount of ammo for the primary attack is less than the value specified. The weapon can still be switched to manually, however.
  • Weapon.MinSelectionAmmo2 amount
A weapon with this property will not be auto-switched to if the available amount of ammo for the secondary attack is less than the value specified. The weapon can still be switched to manually, however.
  • Weapon.BobPivot3D (x, y, z) (ZScript only)
(Need more info)
Default is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
  • Weapon.BobRangeX amount
Range multiplier for horizontal bobbing.
Default is 1.0.
  • Weapon.BobRangeY amount
Range multiplier for vertical bobbing.
Default is 1.0.
  • Weapon.BobSpeed amount
Bobbing speed multiplier. Affects how quickly the bobbing motion occurs.
Default is 1.0.
  • Weapon.BobStyle type
The type of bobbing to use. Possible values include Normal, Inverse, Alpha, InverseAlpha, Smooth, and InverseSmooth.
  • Normal is the default value and corresponds to the bobbing motion used in all old Doom-engine games.
  • Alpha is the bobbing motion used in the DoomWikiLogoIcon.pngalpha versions of Doom.
  • Smooth is a smoother version of the normal style.
  • Inverse* types mirror the motion vertically compared to the non-inverse version. InverseAlpha lowers the weapon sprite while bobbing; the others raise it.
  • Weapon.KickBack amount
How far attacks by this weapon push the enemy back. Damage is also a factor in kickback.
  • Weapon.DefaultKickBack
Weapons with this property have a kickback value which is specified by the defkickback MAPINFO property.
  • Weapon.ReadySound sound
The sound the weapon plays in its ready state.
  • Weapon.SelectionOrder value
Defines the place in the weapons list when ammo runs out. Lower numbers have higher priority. The standard Doom II weapons range from 100 for the Plasma Rifle to 3700 for the Fist.
  • Weapon.SisterWeapon weapontype
Defined weapon is also given when flagged weapon is picked up. Used primarily for Tome Of Power attacks but it can also be used to create weapons with 2 distinct attack modes. Several Strife weapons use this.
  • Weapon.SlotNumber value
Default slot for this weapon. For mods that want to add new weapons without completely redoing the player's arsenal. For other ways to assign weapons to slots, see weapon slots.
  • Weapon.SlotPriority value
Selection order within slot for this weapon. This is a floating-point value. Higher numbers mean higher priority.
  • Weapon.UpSound sound
The sound played when the select state is called.
  • Weapon.WeaponScaleX value
The horizontal scale multiplier of the weapon's HUD sprite.
Default is 1.0.
  • Weapon.WeaponScaleY value
The vertical scale multiplier of the weapon's HUD sprite.
Default is 1.2.
  • Weapon.YAdjust amount
Shifts the HUD sprites vertically when the status bar is off. Note: positive y values shift the weapon down.
  • Weapon.LookScale amount
Multiplier for the player's look sensitivity. Operates identically to the look sensitivity for FOV scaling, but without changing the FOV.