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ImageScrollerMenus are a type of menu designed to show a sequence of images and text back-to-back in a slide show like fashion. While normally used for Raze (Build engine's UI updates at 120Hz hence frames being tracked in multiples of 120), ZDoom also has full support for it.


  • ImageScrollerDescriptor mDesc - The menu descriptor for this menu. Contains image and text page data
  • ImageScrollerPage previous - The previous page that's currently being transitioned from
  • ImageScrollerPage current - The current page. When a transition begins this is set to the page that's being transitioned to
  • double start - The time the transition started converted to a multiple of 120
  • int length - The length of the animated transition. This is normally 30 frames at 120 FPS (or 0.25 seconds)
  • int dir - The horizontal direction to move while transitioning
  • int index - The index of the page currently being displayed



  • void Init(Menu parent, ImageScrollerDescriptor desc)


  • bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
  • bool MouseEvent(int type int x, int y)
  • void Drawer()


  • private void StartTransition(ImageScrollerPage to, int animtype)
  • private bool DrawTransition()

Image Scroller Descriptors

ImageScrollerDescriptor is a subclass of MenuDescriptor and stores all the information about the items that exist within the scroller as specified by the MENUDEF file.


  • Array<ImageScrollerPage> mItems - The list of all pages that exist in the image scroller
  • Font textFont - The font to use when drawing text
  • TextureID textBackground - The picture to draw in the background behind the text
  • Color textBackgroundBrightness - The color to apply to the background picture of the text
  • double textScale - The scale to apply to text
  • bool mAnimatedTransition - If set to true, the menu supports animated transitions. This is only used in the menu's Init()
  • bool mAnimated - If set to true, the menu is animated and should be interpolated. This is only used in the menu's Init()
  • int virtWidth - The virtual width to use when drawing
  • int virtHeight - The virtual height to use when drawing

Image Scroller Pages

ImageScrollerPage is a subclass of MenuItemBase and is the core class for adding scenes to the image scroller. If you plan on adding any custom page types to use with MENUDEF, they must inherit from this class and have the prefix ImageScrollerPage in their class name.


  • int virtWidth - The virtual width to use when drawing
  • int virtHeight - The virtual height to use when drawing

Virtual Methods

  • void OnStartPage()
  • void OnEndPage()

Non-static Methods

  • protected void DrawText(Font fnt, int color, double x, double y, string text)
  • protected void DrawTexture(TextureID tex, double x, double y)

Image Pages

ImageScrollerPageImageItem is the ImageScrollerPage subclass that acts as a base for all pages meant to only display images.


  • TextureID mTexture - The texture to draw

Overridden Methods

  • void Drawer(bool selected)

Non-static Methods

  • void Init(ImageScrollerDescriptor desc, string patch)

Text Pages

ImageScrollerPageTextItem is the ImageScrollerPage subclass that acts as a base for all pages meant to display text on a background.


  • Font mFont - The font to use when drawing the text
  • BrokenLines mText - The text to display broken down into multiple lines in order to make sure it fits on the screen
  • TextureID mTexture - The picture to draw in the background behind the text
  • Color mBrightness - The color to apply to the background picture
  • double mTextScale - The scale to apply to the text

Overridden Methods

  • void Drawer(bool selected)

Non-static Methods

  • void Init(ImageScrollerDescriptor desc, string txt, int y = -1)