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9:Line_Horizon (no parameters required)

This special is to be placed on a line in the map, which is then “extended” into infinity. It will only create an infinite view on that particular line, so you may need to place it on multiple lines to get the desired effect. Useful for skyboxes. Do not use with slopes!


Nuvolachalk.png Note: This article lists no examples. If you make use of this feature in your own project(s) or know of any basic examples that could be shared, please add them. This will make it easier to understand for future authors seeking assistance. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Conversions from linedef types

The following Doom map format types can be converted as Line Horizon:

Type Conversion Trigger
MiniZDoomLogoIcon.pngZDoom 337:Line Horizon Line_Horizon ()
MiniEternityLogoIcon.pngEternity 450:Line Horizon Line_Horizon ()

External links