ZScript actor flags

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Note: This feature is for ZScript only.

Actor flags in ZScript are handled differently from DECORATE. A_ChangeFlag is considered deprecated in ZScript, replaced with a simple boolean system.

Flags within a Default block are treated much the same as DECORATE.

  Damage 20;
  -NOGRAVITY // note that semicolons are optional for flags.

To refer to a flag within a function, simply insert a 'b' (for 'boolean') in front of the name of the actor flag. Flags may be changed by directly assigning true, false, or an expression that resolves to either.

virtual override BeginPlay()
  bSOLID = true;
  bINVULNERABLE = false;

The only flags which cannot be changed this way are NOSECTOR and NOBLOCKMAP. These require use of a special function, A_ChangeLinkFlags, in order to perform some necessary internal housekeeping.

Custom flags

ZScript also allows defining custom flags. The syntax for defining the flag is as follows:

flagdef <FlagName>: <Variable>, <Number>
  • FlagName: The name of the flag to use.
  • Variable: An integer-declared variable used for storing the flags.
  • Number: An integer that must be in the range of 0 to 31. Internally, this number is bit-wise shifted to the left (1 << Number, or 2Number).

Note: When a variable is used as a flag container, modifying it directly may cause unintended side effects and should be avoided. Set the flags to true/false instead.

Inventory's flags are all defined this way.

	private int ItemFlags;
	flagdef Quiet: ItemFlags, 0;
	flagdef Autoactivate: ItemFlags, 1;
	flagdef Undroppable: ItemFlags, 2;
	flagdef Invbar: ItemFlags, 3;
	flagdef HubPower: ItemFlags, 4;
	flagdef Untossable: ItemFlags, 5;
	flagdef AdditiveTime: ItemFlags, 6;
	flagdef FancyPickupSound: ItemFlags, 7;
	flagdef BigPowerup: ItemFlags, 8;
	flagdef KeepDepleted: ItemFlags, 9;
	flagdef IgnoreSkill: ItemFlags, 10;
	flagdef NoAttenPickupSound: ItemFlags, 11;
	flagdef PersistentPower : ItemFlags, 12;
	flagdef RestrictAbsolutely: ItemFlags, 13;
	flagdef NeverRespawn: ItemFlags, 14;
	flagdef NoScreenFlash: ItemFlags, 15;
	flagdef Tossed: ItemFlags, 16;
	flagdef AlwaysRespawn: ItemFlags, 17;
	flagdef Transfer: ItemFlags, 18;
	flagdef NoTeleportFreeze: ItemFlags, 19;
	flagdef NoScreenBlink: ItemFlags, 20;
	flagdef IsArmor: ItemFlags, 21;
	flagdef IsHealth: ItemFlags, 22;
	flagdef AlwaysPickup: ItemFlags, 23;
	flagdef Unclearable: ItemFlags, 24;

The syntax for setting custom flags is +<DefClassName>.<FlagName>, where DefClassName is the base class defining the flags. Classes inheriting from the one defining the flags must use the name of the parent defining the flags. For example, any inventory item, even if they inherit from another Inventory-inheriting class, must use Inventory for the class name.


The same rules apply when setting or checking a flag, requiring the 'b' before them. The class name itself must not be used. Checking actors with a custom flag is also the same as checking their variables too. See ZScript variables for more information.

See also