ACS PCodes

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The following is a list of ACS MiniWikipediaLogoIcon.pngp-code.

# PCode Arguments Stack Offset Extension Description
0 NOP 0 0 Hexen Does nothing.
1 TERMINATE 0 0 Hexen Finishes the current script.
2 SUSPEND 0 0 Hexen Holds the execution of the script until it is executed again, at which point it will resume.
3 PUSHNUMBER 1 1 Hexen Pushes an integer onto the stack.
4 LSPEC1 1 -1 Hexen Executes the line special, popping one argument from the stack.
5 LSPEC2 1 -2 Hexen Executes the line special, popping two arguments from the stack.
6 LSPEC3 1 -3 Hexen Executes the line special, popping three arguments from the stack.
7 LSPEC4 1 -4 Hexen Executes the line special, popping four arguments from the stack.
8 LSPEC5 1 -5 Hexen Executes the line special, popping five arguments from the stack.
9 LSPEC1DIRECT 2 0 Hexen Executes the line special given by the first argument with a constant parameter given by the second argument.
10 LSPEC2DIRECT 3 0 Hexen Executes the line special given by the first argument with two constant parameters given by the rest of the arguments.
11 LSPEC3DIRECT 4 0 Hexen Executes the line special given by the first argument with three constant parameters given by the rest of the arguments.
12 LSPEC4DIRECT 5 0 Hexen Executes the line special given by the first argument with four constant parameters given by the rest of the arguments.
13 LSPEC5DIRECT 6 0 Hexen Executes the line special given by the first argument with five constant parameters given by the rest of the arguments.
14 ADD 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack, adds them, and pushes the result.
15 SUBTRACT 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack, subtracts them, and pushes the result.
16 MULTIPLY 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack, multiplies them, and pushes the result.
17 DIVIDE 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack, divides them, and pushes the result. Division by zero causes an error.
18 MODULUS 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack, divides them, and pushes the remainder. Division by zero causes an error.
19 EQ 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares them for equality. If they are equal, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
20 NE 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares them for inequality. If they are not equal, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
21 LT 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares the second popped number to the first. If the second number is less than the first, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
22 GT 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares the second popped number to the first. If the second number is greater than the first, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
23 LE 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares the second popped number to the first. If the second number is less than or equal to the first, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
24 GE 0 -1 Hexen Pops two integers from the stack and compares the second popped number to the first. If the second number is greater than or equal to the first, a 1 is pushed to the stack, otherwise 0.
25 ASSIGNSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and assigns it to a local variable specified as the argument.
26 ASSIGNMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and assigns it to a map variable specified as the argument.
27 ASSIGNWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and assigns it to a world variable specified as the argument.
28 PUSHSCRIPTVAR 1 1 Hexen Pushes an integer from the local variable specified as the argument onto the stack.
29 PUSHMAPVAR 1 1 Hexen Pushes an integer from the map variable specified as the argument onto the stack.
30 PUSHWORLDVAR 1 1 Hexen Pushes an integer from the world variable specified as the argument onto the stack.
31 ADDSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and adds it to the specified local variable.
32 ADDMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and adds it to the specified map variable.
33 ADDWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and adds it to the specified world variable.
34 SUBSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and subtracts it from the specified local variable.
35 SUBMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and subtracts it from the specified map variable.
36 SUBWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and subtracts it from the specified world variable.
37 MULSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and multiplies it with the specified local variable.
38 MULMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and multiplies it with the specified map variable.
39 MULWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and multiplies it with the specified world variable.
40 DIVSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified local variable. Division by zero causes an error.
41 DIVMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified map variable. Division by zero causes an error.
42 DIVWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified world variable. Division by zero causes an error.
43 MODSCRIPTVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified local variable, leaving the remainder in the variable. Division by zero causes an error.
44 MODMAPVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified map variable, leaving the remainder in the variable. Division by zero causes an error.
45 MODWORLDVAR 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer from the stack and divides it from the specified world variable, leaving the remainder in the variable. Division by zero causes an error.
46 INCSCRIPTVAR 1 0 Hexen Increments the specified local variable by 1.
47 INCMAPVAR 1 0 Hexen Increments the specified map variable by 1.
48 INCWORLDVAR 1 0 Hexen Increments the specified world variable by 1.
49 DECSCRIPTVAR 1 0 Hexen Decrements the specified local variable by 1.
50 DECMAPVAR 1 0 Hexen Decrements the specified map variable by 1.
51 DECWORLDVAR 1 0 Hexen Decrements the specified world variable by 1.
52 GOTO 1 0 Hexen Jumps to the specified offset in the script.
53 IFGOTO 1 -1 Hexen Pops an integer off the stack and jumps to the specified offset in the script if the popped number is not 0.
54 DROP 0 -1 Hexen Pops an item off the stack and discards it.
55 DELAY 0 -1 Hexen Pops an integer off the stack and delays the script by the popped number of tics. See: Delay.
56 DELAYDIRECT 1 0 Hexen Delays the script by the number of tics specified by argument. See: Delay.
57 RANDOM 0 -1 Hexen Pops two numbers from the stack. A random number between those two popped numbers is then pushed to the stack. See: Random.
58 RANDOMDIRECT 2 1 Hexen Push a random number between the two numbers specified as arguments to the stack. See: Random.

... to be continued ...

CALLFUNC Functions

The CALLFUNC PCode references the following table to decide which function to call. All functions push a single return value to the stack, and thus must be dropped by hand if the return value is ignored.

# Function Arguments Return Type
1 GetLineUDMFInt 2 integer
2 GetLineUDMFFixed 2 fixed
3 GetThingUDMFInt 2 integer

... to be continued ...

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