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A_Light (int intensity)

A customizable version of the A_Light# functions. intensity is a number between -20 and 20, 0 being standard brightness, while 1 is equivalent to A_Light1 and 2 to A_Light2. 3–20 are each a step brighter. Negative values for intensity, down to -20, can be used, and it will instead darken the scene.


This BFG9000 fires dimming surrounding area:

Actor BFG4ZDWiki: BFG9000 replaces BFG9000
 Weapon.SlotNumber 7
   BFGF A 4 Bright A_Light( -1 )
   BFGF A 4 Bright A_Light( -2 )
   BFGF A 3 Bright A_Light( -3 )
   BFGF B 1 Bright A_Light( -3 )
   BFGF B 2 Bright A_Light( -4 )
   BFGF B 3 Bright A_Light( -5 )
   Goto LightDone // A_Light0