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Elvenwand | |||
Actor type | Weapon | Game | ![]() |
DoomEd Number | 9042 | Class Name | GoldWand |
Classes: Inventory→Weapon→HereticWeapon→GoldWand
Corvus's elvenwand. It fires magical hitscan shots fairly quickly, but they are not very damaging. A magical equivalent to Doom's pistol.
DECORATE definition
ACTOR GoldWand : HereticWeapon { +BLOODSPLATTER Weapon.SelectionOrder 2000 Weapon.AmmoGive 25 Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.AmmoType "GoldWandAmmo" Weapon.SisterWeapon "GoldWandPowered" Weapon.YAdjust 5 Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WPNGOLDWAND" // "GOLD WAND" Obituary "$OB_MPGOLDWAND" Tag "$TAG_GOLDWAND" action native A_FireGoldWandPL1(); States { Spawn: GWAN A -1 Stop Ready: GWND A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: GWND A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: GWND A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: GWND B 3 GWND C 5 A_FireGoldWandPL1 GWND D 3 GWND D 0 A_ReFire Goto Ready } }