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Note: Wait! Stop! You do not need to copy this actor's code into your project! Here's why:
  1. This actor is already defined in GZDoom, there's no reason to define it again.
  2. In fact, trying to define an actor with the same name will cause an error (because it already exists).
  3. If you want to make your own version of this actor, use inheritance.
  4. Definitions for existing actors are put on the wiki for reference purpose only.
Dark Servant
Actor type Monster Game MiniHexenLogoIcon.png (Hexen)
DoomEd Number None Class Name MinotaurFriend

Classes: MinotaurMinotaurFriend

Dark servants are maulotaurs summoned through the dark servant artifact who attack the foes of his invoker. Excepted for this change of allegiance, they behave identically to Heretic's maulotaurs, but vanish in a puff of smoke when vanquished, and leave neither corpse nor items behind.

For this reason, Hexen does not have all the frames corresponding to the Maulotaur's death, and as a consequence the other sprites are labeled differently. However, ZDoom renames the Hexen attack sprites to prevent conflicts and it is thus possible to use maulotaurs in Hexen and dark servants in Heretic with all their correct animations, as long as the needed sprites are provided.

Minotaur friends use the following actor fields for specific purposes:

moment it was summoned — this field is absent from other actors
player that summoned it

ZScript definition

Note: The ZScript definition below is for reference and may be different in the current version of GZDoom.The most up-to-date version of this code can be found on GZDoom GitHub.
class MinotaurFriend : Minotaur
	int StartTime;
		Health 2500;
		RenderStyle "Translucent";
		Alpha 0.3333;
		DropItem "None";
		MNTR A 15;
		MNTR A 15 A_SetTranslucent(0.66, 0);
		MNTR A 3 A_SetTranslucent(1, 0);
		Goto Super::Spawn;
		Goto Super::Spawn;
		Goto FadeOut;

	override void BeginPlay ()
		Super.BeginPlay ();
		StartTime = -1;

	override void Die (Actor source, Actor inflictor, int dmgflags, Name MeansOfDeath)
		Super.Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags, MeansOfDeath);

		if (tracer && > 0 && tracer.player)
			// Search thinker list for minotaur
			ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("MinotaurFriend");
			MinotaurFriend mo;

			while ((mo = MinotaurFriend(it.Next())) != null)
				if ( <= 0) continue;
				// [RH] Minotaurs can't be morphed, so this isn't needed
				//if (!(mo.flags&MF_COUNTKILL)) continue;		// for morphed minotaurs
				if (mo.bCorpse) continue;
				if (mo.StartTime >= 0 && (level.maptime - StartTime) >= MAULATORTICS) continue;
				if (mo.tracer != null && mo.tracer.player == tracer.player) break;

			if (mo == null)
				Inventory power = tracer.FindInventory("PowerMinotaur");
				if (power != null)
					power.Destroy ();

DECORATE definition

Note: This is legacy code, kept for archival purposes only. DECORATE is deprecated in GZDoom and is completely superseded by ZScript. GZDoom internally uses the ZScript definition above.
ACTOR MinotaurFriend : Minotaur native
  Health 2500
  RenderStyle Translucent
  Alpha 0.3333
  DropItem "None"
    MNTR A 15
    MNTR A 15 A_SetTranslucent(0.66, 0)
    MNTR A 3 A_SetTranslucent(1, 0)
    Goto Super::Spawn
    Goto Super::Spawn
    Goto FadeOut

See also