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Note: Wait! Stop! You do not need to copy this actor's code into your project! Here's why:
Mauler | |||
Actor type | Weapon | Game | (Strife) |
DoomEd Number | 2004 | Class Name | Mauler |
Conversation ID | 193, 187, 191 | Puzzle Item ID | N/A |
Classes: Inventory→Weapon→StrifeWeapon→Mauler
This is one of the two types of Mauler in the game Strife, it fires several hitscan shots which disintegrate foes.
In Strife1.wad, the sprites are actually named BLST* and are renamed at load-time by ZDoom.
DECORATE definition
ACTOR Mauler : StrifeWeapon { +FLOORCLIP Weapon.SelectionOrder 300 Weapon.AmmoUse1 20 Weapon.AmmoGive1 40 Weapon.AmmoType1 "EnergyPod" Weapon.SisterWeapon "Mauler2" Inventory.Icon "TRPDA0" Tag "$TAG_MAULER1" // "Mauler" Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_MAULER" // "You picked up the mauler." Obituary "$OB_MPMAULER1" // "%o was zapped by %k." action native A_FireMauler1(); States { Ready: MAUL FGHA 6 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: MAUL A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: MAUL A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: BLSF A 5 Bright A_FireMauler1 // see MaulerPuff MAUL B 3 Bright A_Light1 MAUL C 2 A_Light2 MAUL DE 2 MAUL A 7 A_Light0 MAUL H 7 MAUL G 7 A_CheckReload Goto Ready Spawn: TRPD A -1 Stop } }