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This is a list of the default classes available in Doom 1 and 2. For classes from other games, see the main article.
Arachnotron // Arachnotron Archvile // Arch-vile BaronOfHell // Baron of Hell HellKnight // Hell knight Cacodemon // Cacodemon Cyberdemon // Cyberdemon Demon // Demon Spectre // Partially invisible demon ChaingunGuy // Former human commando DoomImp // Imp Fatso // Mancubus LostSoul // Lost soul PainElemental // Pain elemental Revenant // Revenant ShotgunGuy // Former human sergeant SpiderMastermind // Spider mastermind WolfensteinSS // Wolfenstein soldier ZombieMan // Former human trooper
Stealth Monsters
StealthArachnotron // Stealth Arachnotron StealthArchvile // Stealth Archvile StealthBaron // Stealth Baron StealthHellKnight // Stealth Hell Knight StealthCacodemon // Stealth Cacodemon StealthDemon // Stealth Demon StealthChaingunGuy // Stealth Chaingunner StealthDoomImp // Stealth Imp(Doom) StealthFatso // Stealth Mancubus StealthRevenant // Stealth Revenant StealthShotgunGuy // Stealth Sergeant StealthZombieMan // Stealth Trooper
The Marines
MarineBFG // BFG Marine MarineBerserk // Marine (Powerful Punch) MarineChaingun // Chaingun Marine MarineChainsaw // Chainsaw Marine MarineFist // Marine (Punches) MarinePistol // Pistol Marine MarinePlasma // Plasma Gun Marine MarineRailgun // Railgun Marine MarineRocket // Rocket Launcher Marine MarineSSG // Super Shotgun Marine MarineShotgun // Shotgun Marine ScriptedMarine // Marine (No Attack) MBFHelperDog // Marine Best Friend Helper Dog (The dog is not avaliable in programs similar to Zdoom)
ArachnotronPlasma // Arachnotron Plasma Bolt ArchvileFire // Fire (This shows the fire prior to the attack) BaronBall // Baron/Hell Knight Fireball CacodemonBall // Cacodemon Fireball BFGBall // BFG Plasma Ball BFGExtra // BFG Hit Animation BulletPuff // Bullet Puff DoomImpBall // Imp Fireball(Doom) FatShot // Mancubus Fireball PlasmaBall // Blue Plasma Bolt RevenantTracer // Revenant Missile RevenantTracerSmoke // Revenant Homing Missile Trail Rocket // Fired Rocket
BFG9000 // BFG 9000 Chaingun // Chaingun Chainsaw // Chainsaw Fist // Punch (yes thats right) Pistol // Pistol PlasmaRifle // Plasma Gun RocketLauncher // Rocket Launcher Shotgun // Shotgun SuperShotgun // Double-barreled Shotgun
Backpack // Backpack (Increase carrying capacity) Cell // Cell CellPack // Cell Pack Clip // Ammo Clip ClipBox // Box of Bullets RocketAmmo // Rocket RocketBox // Box of Rockets Shell // 4 Shells ShellBox // Box of Shells
Allmap // Computer Area Map ArmorBonus // Armor Helmet Berserk // Berserk Pack (Full Health+Super Strength) BlueArmor // Heavy Armor BlurSphere // Partial Invisibility GreenArmor // Light Armor HealthBonus // Health Potion Infrared // Light-Amp Goggles InvulnerabilitySphere // Invulnerability Medikit // Medikit(+25 Health) Megasphere // Megasphere (+200 Health/Armor) RadSuit // Radiation Suit Soulsphere // Soul Sphere (+100 Health) Stimpack // Stimpack(+10 Health)
BlueCard // Blue Keycard BlueSkull // Blue Skull Key RedCard // Red Keycard RedSkull // Red Skull Key YellowCard // Yellow Keycard YellowSkull // Yellow Skull Key
Column // Mini Tech Light BurningBarrel // Barrel Fire ExplosiveBarrel // Exploding Barrel(Doom) TechLamp // Large Tech Lamp TechLamp2 // Small Tech Lamp TechPillar // Tech Column
BigTree // Big Scorched Tree BlueTorch // Large Blue Torch Candelabra // Candelabra Candlestick // Candle EvilEye // Floating Eye above Candle FloatingSkull // Floating Skulls GreenTorch // Large Green Torch HeadCandles // Skulls with Candles HeadOnAStick // Stick with Impaled Head HeadsOnAStick // Stick with several Impaled Heads HeartColumn // Green Pillar with Heart RedTorch // Large Red Torch ShortBlueTorch // Small Blue Torch ShortGreenColumn // Short Green Pillar ShortGreenTorch // Small Green Torch ShortRedColumn // Short Red Pillar ShortRedTorch // Small Red Torch SkullColumn // Red Pillar with Skull Stalagtite // Stalagmite (on the ground) TallGreenColumn // Tall Green Pillar TallRedColumn // Tall Red Pillar TorchTree // Small Burned Tree
DeadCacodemon // Cacodemon Corpse DeadDemon // Demon Corpse DeadDoomImp // Imp Corpse(Doom) DeadLostSoul // Lost Soul Corpse (If you give it one) DeadMarine // Marine Corpse DeadShotgunGuy // Sergeant Corpse DeadZombieMan // Trooper Corpse GibbedMarine // Gibbed Marine Corpse GibbedMarineExtra // Gibbed Marine Corpse 2
BloodyTwitch // Twitching Hanging Body BrainStem // Brains ColonGibs // Blood Pool with skin DeadStick // Dead Impaled Body Gibs // Crushed Gibs (Placeable in level editor) HangBNoBrain // Hanging Body (Missing Brain) HangNoGuts // Hanging Body (Missing Insides) HangTLookingDown // Hanging Torso looking down HangTLookingUp // Hanging Torso looking up HangTNoBrain // Hanging Torso (Missing Brain) HangTSkull // Hanging Torso (Exposed Brain) LiveStick // Twitching Impaled Body Meat2 // Hanging Body Meat3 // Hanging Body with missing leg Meat4 // Hanging Torso Meat5 // Hanging Leg NonsolidMeat2 // Hanging Body (Not Blocking) NonsolidMeat3 // Hanging Body with missing leg (Not Blocking) NonsolidMeat4 // Hanging Torso (Not Blocking) NonsolidMeat5 // Hanging Leg (Not Blocking) NonsolidTwitch // Twitching Hanging Body (Not Blocking) SmallBloodPool // Small Blood Pool
BossBrain // Romero Head BossEye // Spawn Cube Shooter BossTarget // Spawn Cube Landing Spot (Spawn these before you spawn the shooter or it won't spit cubes!) SpawnShot // Spawn Cube SpawnFire // Spawn Cube Teleport Fire CommanderKeen // Hanging Commander Keen DoomPlayer // Marine (Player-Controlled) DoomUnusedStates // A placeholder for some Dehacked-only states