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This is a list of the default classes available in Strife. For classes from other games, see the main article.
The Order
Acolyte // Standard trooper enemy AcolyteTan // Standard trooper enemy AcolyteRed // Low-rank officer enemy in red uniform AcolyteRust // Guard enemy in brown uniform AcolyteGray // Low-rank officer enemy in dark grey uniform AcolyteDGreen // Sewer guard enemy in dark green uniform that drops the guard uniform item AcolyteGold // Elite guard enemy in gold uniform AcolyteLGreen // Overseer enemy in bright green uniform AcolyteBlue // Scanner trooper enemy in teal uniform AcolyteShadow // Standard trooper enemy with a cloaking device AcolyteToBe // An incomplete acolyte that does nothing when attacked, gibs when killed, talks like a peasant
The Resistance
Macil1 // The leader of the Front, Macil, found in Map03, invulnerable Macil2 // The leader of the Front, Macil, acts like a spectre but requires Sigil2 or stronger to take damage Rebel // Standard Front soldier (Can not be talked to, Summoned by beacon) Rebel1 // Standard Front soldier Rebel2 // Standard Front soldier that Guards Irale's Shop Rebel3 // Standard Front soldier Rebel4 // Standard Front soldier Rebel5 // Standard Front soldier Rebel6 // Standard Front soldier RatBuddy // A rat that is invulnerable, not a monster
The Oppressed
Beggar // Beggar that can not be talked to Beggar1 // MacGuffin Beggar2 // Underground beggar Beggar3 // Underground beggar Beggar4 // Underground beggar Beggar5 // Underground beggar Merchant // Weapons merchant that can not be talked to WeaponSmith // Weapons merchant from Map 02 BarKeep // The tavern bartender from Map 02 Armorer // Armor merchant from Map 02 Medic // Hospital medic from Map 02 Peasant // Beige peasant that can not be talked to Peasant1 // Tan-colored peasant Peasant2 // Arion, the Governor's secretary Peasant3 // Ulaine, the info guy Peasant4 // Harris (Map 2 & 23), Tevick (Map 23) Peasant5 // Derwin (Map 4), Harris (Map 33) Peasant6 // Worner (Map 4) Peasant7 // Ketrick (Map 4), Warden (Map 5), Medic (Map 17) Peasant8 // Sammis (Map 4), Judge (map 5) Peasant9 // Beldin (Map 1) Peasant10 // Rowan (Map 2) Peasant11 // Geoff (Map 2) Peasant12 // Technician (Map 4) Peasant13 // Irale (Map 2), Richter (Map 23) Peasant14 // Weran, the Rat King (Map 6) Peasant15 // Computer Technician (Map 4) Peasant16 // Sewer Overflow Gate guard (Map 1), false Programmer (Map 7) Peasant17 // Light Green peasant Peasant18 // Light Green peasant Peasant19 // Key Master (Map 11), false Programmer (Map 31) Peasant20 // Gold peasant Peasant21 // Gold peasant Peasant22 // Governor Mourel (Map 2 & 33), false Programmer (Map 8)
The Antagonists
AlienSpectre1 // Translucent, floating blob that can only be killed with the Sigil, fires Sigil1 blasts AlienSpectre2 // fires Sigil2 blasts AlienSpectre3 // fires Sigil3 blasts AlienSpectre4 // fires Sigil4 blasts AlienSpectre5 // fires Sigil5 blasts AlienChunkSmall // Spectre Gibs AlienChunkLarge // More spectre gibs EntityBoss // Super spectre, uses all 5 sigils and breaks into: EntitySecond // on death. When all these are gone, level ends. EntityNest // Entity Nest decoration EntityPod // Spawns Super Spectre Loremaster // Flies around, uses grappler Oracle // Some sort of puppet that talks Programmer // Uses an anti grav platform, rains Sigil 1 lightning ProgrammerBase // Gibs from the above ProgLevelEnder // Fades to black smoothly and ends the level StrifeBishop // Tall, cybernetic boss with a rocket launcher that has a homing ability KneelingGuy // Holographic projection of a minion, device is tall enough to block movement but short enough to jump over
The Machines
Sentinel // Small floating Robot, fires lasers Crusader // Large, lumbering assault robot. Resembles Ed 209 Inquisitor // Towering mech, flies, throws nasty grenades InquisitorArm // Junk from the above when it explodes Stalker // Small, spider like robot, crawls along the ceiling and drops on your head CeilingTurret // Defensive turret, minor threat Templar // A human supported by a mechanical bio-suit. Fires mauler. Reaver // Nasty, quick robot that uses a shotgun and rips you up in melee
FastFlameMissile // Flamethrower effect used by Crusader and Flamethrower weapon CrusaderMissile // Missile effect used by Crusader, this is a tri-missile pyramid attack InquisitorShot // Explosive grenade attack from Inquisitor LoreShot // A grappling hook. Thrusts target in the opposite direction that it moves LoreShot2 // Grappling hook chain link SentinelFX1 // Sentinel firing animation - does no damage SentinelFX2 // Sentinel firing animation and sound FX, does damage/disintegration SpectralLightningBase // SpectralLightningDeath1 // SpectralLightningDeath2 // SpectralLightningDeathShort // SpectralLightningBall1 // Sigil3 firing animation SpectralLightningBall2 // Sigil3 firing animation SpectralLightningH1 // Sigil2 firing animation SpectralLightningH2 // Sigil2 firing animation SpectralLightningH3 // Sigil2 firing animation SpectralLightningHTail // Sigil2 tail animation, does no damage SpectralLightningBigBall1 // Sigil5 firing animation SpectralLightningBigBall2 // Sigil5 firing animation SpectralLightningV1 // Sigil4 firing animation SpectralLightningV2 // Sigil4 firing animation SpectralLightningSpot // Sigil1 firing animation SpectralLightningBigV1 // Sigil4 firing animation, used by AlienSpectre4 SpectralLightningBigV2 // Sigil4 firing animation, used by AlienSpectre4 BishopMissile // Bishop Missile firing animation, has homing ability StrifeZap1 // Effect of electric bolt when it hits an object ElectricBolt // Fires an Electric Bolt that does extra damage to mechanical enemies PoisonBolt // Fires a poison bolt that instantly kills human targets, ineffective against everything else RocketTrail // Rocket trail animation for the mini missile MiniMissilePuff // Smoke puff animation for the mini missile MiniMissile // Fires a missile FlameMissile // Fires a flamethrower projectile MaulerPuff // Animation of Mauler primary mode fire MaulerTorpedo // Animation of Mauler alternate mode fire MaulerTorpedoWave // Animation of Mauler alternate mode fire after hitting its initial target HEGrenade // Fires a HE Grenade PhosphorousGrenade // Fires a Phosphorous Grenade PhosphorousFire // Summons the fire that is produced by the Phosphorous Grenade StrifePuff // Smoke puff animation of a barrel when hit StrifeSpark // Spark animation of a barrel when hit
PunchDagger // Melee weapon, silent killer, damage affected by UpgradeStamina StrifeCrossbow // Fires electric bolts that are effective vs machines StrifeCrossbow2 // Fires poison bolts - instant kill, and silent. AssaultGun // Rapid fire hitscan weapon, fairly inaccurate(until powered up with UpgradeAccuracy),
// fires 3 bullets at a time AssaultGunStanding // Alternate pickup graphic of the above. MiniMissileLauncher // Fires small, explosive missiles rapidly. FlameThrower // Short range flame, lots of kickback, human targets burn on death Mauler // Equivalent to the super shotgun, disintegrates human targets Mauler2 // Fires a torpedo, initial target takes massive damage including splash, explodes into smaller projectiles
// doing smaller damage, disintegrates human targets. Firing it damages player by 20 health affected by armor. StrifeGrenadeLauncher // Double barreled grenade launcher. Massive damage StrifeGrenadeLauncher2 // Even more damaging, grenades explode into flames that burn for quite a while. Sigil // The Sigil. Gives you Sigil1. Sigil1 // Creates an area affect of lightning rain that wanders around Sigil2 // Fires a small bolt straight ahead which creates a trail of lightning, has splash damage Sigil3 // Fires a 180 arc of lightning blobs, has splash damage Sigil4 // Fires a single vertical lightning column, that homes in on targeted actor,
// works like Revenants's homing missile Sigil5 // Fires a lightning blob which in turn continuously fires lightning bolts
// ahead and to either side of it.
HEGrenadeRounds // HE Grenade Ammo, gives 6 PhosphorusGrenadeRounds // Phosphorus Grenade Ammo, gives 4 ClipOfBullets // Bullet ammo, gives 10 BoxOfBullets // More bullet ammo, gives 50 MiniMissiles // Mini Missile ammo, gives 4 CrateOfMissiles // More missile ammo, gives 20 EnergyPod // Cell ammo, gives 20 EnergyPack // More cell ammo, gives 100 PoisonBolts // Poison bolts, gives 10 ElectricBolts // Eletric bolts, gives 20 AmmoSatchel // Strife Backpack equivalent, gives 2 electric bolts, 4 poison bolts,
// 6 HE grenades, 4 Phosphorus grenades, 10 bullets, 20 cells
Coin // 1 Gold coin Gold10 // 10 Gold coins Gold25 // 25 Gold coins Gold50 // 50 Gold coins Gold300 // 300 Gold coins, used in conjunction with completing quest MetalArmor // Metal Armor, 200 armor LeatherArmor // Leather Armor, 100 armor TeleporterBeacon // Telporter Beacon, summons 6 rebel soldiers, can be picked up again if no rebel soldier spawned MedPatch // Med Patch, +10 health MedicalKit // Medical Kit, +25 health SurgeryKit // Surgery Kit, full health, as high as base health (100) + current Stamina rating StrifeMap // Strife automap ShadowArmor // Shadow armor, Strife equivalent of partial invisibility EnvironmentalSuit // Environmental suit, protection against poison, immunity to flamethrower Targeter // Targeter, accuracy meter Scanner // Scanner, works like Doom iddt code (automap+object locations) AmmoFillup // Gives up to 50 bullets, works in conjunction with Feris HealthFillup // Gives up to predefined life based on difficulty, works in conjunction with Gerard UpgradeStamina // Gives player 10 extra recoverable health units (up to 200), heal like SurgeryKit, increases damage UpgradeAccuracy // Improves the player's accuracy by 10 accuracy units when firing Strife weapons
// except for Sigil (all versions)
Communicator // Communicator, allows Blackbird to talk to you throughout the game. FlameThrowerParts // An item dropped by a crusader that allows the building of a flamethrower in the weapon shop. QuestItem // Base class for quest items used to implementStrife quest flags. QuestItem1 // Given with Beldin's ring QuestItem2 // Given with the chalice QuestItem3 // Given by Macil1 during his first conversation QuestItem4 // Given when taking Mourel's "messy" job QuestItem5 // Given when taking Mourel's "bloody" job QuestItem6 // Given when destroying the power coupling QuestItem7 // Given when the last of the blue acolytes in a map die QuestItem8 // Given with the broken power coupling QuestItem9 // Given with Derwin's ear QuestItem10 // Given with Mourel's prison pass QuestItem11 // Given with Montag's prison key QuestItem12 // Given with Wolenick's severed hand QuestItem13 // Given when freeing the prisoners QuestItem14 // You blew up the crystal QuestItem15 // Given with guard uniform QuestItem16 // You blew up the gates QuestItem17 // Given when listening to Macil's story about the Sigil QuestItem18 // Talked to the Oracle, corresponds with getting the Oracle Pass QuestItem19 // QuestItem20 // QuestItem21 // You killed the Bishop! QuestItem22 // You killed the Oracle after the Bishop QuestItem23 // You killed the Oracle! QuestItem24 // You killed Macil! QuestItem25 // Given when destroying the converter, results in good ending QuestItem26 // You killed the Loremaster! QuestItem27 // You blew up the computer QuestItem28 // Given with the Catacomb Key QuestItem29 // Given when destroying the transmitter QuestItem30 // QuestItem31 // DegninOre // An explosive item that can be picked up and placed elsewhere BeldinsRing // Ring from Beldin, the captured Front "traitor" OfferingChalice // A rather useless item Harris asks you to get for him Ear // Ear torn from Derwin when accepting Governor Mourel's "bloody" job BrokenPowerCoupling // An already broken power coupling that is given to the governor. InterrogatorReport // GunTraining // HealthTraining // GuardUniform // The green uniform dropped by the sewer guard, and is given to the rat king for help. OfficersUniform // Info //
StrifeKey // Strife key template BaseKey // Key to access Order base, given by Rowan GovsKey // Key to access Governor mansion, given by Macil Passcard // Key to access Power Station, given by Macil or Governor IDBadge // Key to open a door in Prison, dropped by security guard PrisonKey // Key to Prison locks, dropped by Warden Montag SeveredHand // Key to opening hand scanner doors, dropped by Judge Wolenick Power1Key // Key to opening doors in Power Station, given/dropped by Worner Power2Key // Key to opening doors in Power Station, given/dropped by technician Power3Key // Key to operating lift in Power Station, given/dropped by Sammis GoldKey // Key to opening door in Power Station, dropped by storage worker IDCard // Open armory door in Sewers, dropped by certain sewer guards SilverKey // Key to opening doors in Castle, dropped by fake programmer in Audience Chamber OracleKey // Key to opening door to Oracle, dropped by door guards MilitaryID // Key to opening door into mini base in Borderlands, Oracle pass traded for key OrderKey // Key to opening storage room in mini base in Borderlands WarehouseKey // Unused, dev error? Supposed to be given by Quincy(?) to get into Warehouse level in the Bailey BrassKey // Key to opening door into Order Commons, given by Macil RedCrystalKey // Key to activate switch in Conversion Chapel, found in same location BlueCrystalKey // Key to activate switch in Conversion Chapel, found in same location ChapelKey // Key to activate door in Conversion Chapel, found is same location CatacombKey // Key used for door trigger(?), given by Richter SecurityKey // Unused, dev error? Supposed to be given by Quincy to get into the Security Complex level in the Bailey CoreKey // Key used to activate doors in Security Complex level, found in same location MaulerKey // Key used to activate doors in Warehouse, dropped by guard FactoryKey // Key used to access Factory (?), found in Ruined Temple MineKey // Key used to access Mines level, found in Ruined Temple NewKey5 // Strife development key PrisonPass // Not supposed to be a key, it's an item used for trade for further entry into Prison OraclePass // Not supposed to be a key, but has been used as a key, item traded for a key
Tank1 Tank2 Tank3 Tank4 Tank5 Tank6 LightSilverFluorescent LightBrownFluorescent LightGoldFluorescent LightGlobe PillarTechno PillarAztec PillarAztecDamaged PillarAztecRuined PillarHugeTech PillarAlienPower SStalactiteBig SStalactiteSmall SStalagmiteBig CavePillarTop CavePillarBottom SStalagmiteSmall Candle StrifeCandelabra WaterDropOnFloor WaterfallSplash WaterDrip WaterFountain HeartsInTank SRock1 SRock2 SRock3 SRock4 StickInWater Rubble1 Rubble2 Rubble3 Rubble4 Rubble5 Rubble6 Rubble7 Rubble8 SurgeryCrab LargeTorch HugeTorch PalmTree BigTree2 PottedTree TreeStub ShortBush TallBush ChimneyStack BarricadeColumn Pot Pitcher Stool MetalPot Tub Anvil TechLampSilver TechLampBrass Tray WaterBottle Mug WoodenBarrel ExplosiveBarrel2 DeadStrifePlayer DeadPeasant DeadAcolyte DeadReaver DeadRebel SacrificedGuy PileOfGuts StrifeBurningBarrel BurningBowl BurningBrazier SmallTorchLit SmallTorchUnlit CeilingChain CageLight Statue StatueRuined MediumTorch OutsideLamp PoleLantern SigilBanner RebelBoots RebelHelmet RebelShirt PowerCoupling AlienBubbleColumn AlienFloorBubble AlienCeilingBubble AlienAspClimber AlienSpiderLight DeadCrusader TargetPractice // Shootable, spins when shot AmmoFiller
CloseDoor222 // Closes door with tag 222 when given or picked up Computer // Computer, shows "You blew up the computer" and gives QuestItem 27 when killed Meat // Turns into a random gib when spawned ForceFieldGuard // A dummy item that can only be killed by a Degnin Ore Explosion Junk // Turns into random junk when spawned KlaxonWarningLight // Klaxon alarm, no special action except it goes to sleep after a short period OpenDoor222 // Opens door with tag 222 when given or picked up OpenDoor224 // Opens door with tag 224 when given or picked up Piston // Gates, prints "You've blown up the gates!" and gives QuestItem 16 to all players in the game when killed. PowerCrystal // Power Crystal, Kills everything less than 512 units away from it, prints "You blew up the Power Crystal!",
// and gives QuestItem 14 when destroyed. Lowers the sector it's in and changes its light to 0. RaiseAlarm // Emits an imaginary sound when given or picked up, alerting nearby monsters TeleportSwirl // Hovers over teleporters and looks tacky Zombie // Looks like a peasant. Stands there, Gibs when killed ZombieSpawner // Spawns a Zombie every certain amount of time
DummyStrifeItem // Strife item template SlideshowStarter // Strife slideshow template StrifePlayer // Strife player FireDroplet // This is spawned by human targets when killed by fire StrifeHumanoid // Strife base class for Strife human actors StrifeWeapon // Strife base class for Strife weapons Bang4Cloud // Grenade explosion, rises when spawned